mtfrazi2 All American 2395 Posts user info edit post |
this proves that redsox fans in here hide when they have no chance. This entire thread was stuck on page 9 the entire game 3 when the yanks were whooping the sox 19-7, but now that they win a game, everyone comes back in here to post.  10/18/2004 7:06:21 AM
jocristian All American 7528 Posts user info edit post |
I think that might have just a little bit to with the fact that watching the sox come back to win with a 12th inning walk-off and get the hopes back up that this might be a series is just a tad bit more exciting (and therefore more worthy of message board discussion) than a yankees beatdown which looks like they are on their way to a sweep.
besides most of state goes home for the weekend... tww is always slow between fri-sunday afternoon
btw.. I should say that I dont even like baseball before you start trying to call me a bosox fan
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 8:12 AM. Reason : d] 10/18/2004 8:11:34 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "fucking yankees fans " |
Don't worry about him, he's just cranky b/c the Cards are gonna lose to the Astros.
Yankees in 5, what I said all along! 10/18/2004 8:36:35 AM
BigPapa All American 4727 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't hide, I went to watch the game away from my computer in my room where it was quiet. I was hanging on every pitch.
As a fan I think its better to win a tight extra innings game then to win in a blowout. Both teams will be tired. We need a good outing from Pedro tonight, and we need to pound Mussina early which certainly isn't easy. I am glad there will be no sweep. Its an uphill battle, live like there's no tomorrow cause frankly there isn't 10/18/2004 8:51:38 AM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
IF there is a Game 6 then Schilling will be the pitcher FYI
and I don't think I hid at all until the Sox were doing well...I just happened to have my laptop w/ wireless so I could watch it laying in bed and use the computer 10/18/2004 9:41:11 AM
BigPapa All American 4727 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah I don't have a laptop. so typing from my bed is impossible 10/18/2004 9:49:00 AM
TRDboy All American 3122 Posts user info edit post |
Schilling is out for the year, he's not gonna pitch. 10/18/2004 11:32:25 AM
BigPapa All American 4727 Posts user info edit post |
Actually Schilling has and always will be the tough guy. He is slated to start game 6 in New York if the Red Sox win today. How effective he will be is another story though. 10/18/2004 11:37:44 AM
TRDboy All American 3122 Posts user info edit post |
oh i agree he is tough and all, but i mena look at what he did in game one, im a red sox fan, he had no effect infact put us out on the line. Therefore i think we need to stop hoping for him, we got it done without him lastyear as close as it did. beleive we can is what i say. 10/18/2004 11:42:54 AM
BigPapa All American 4727 Posts user info edit post |
The problem is Pedro will go today, is there still a travel day or has the rain out screwed that up. If not it will either be wakefield or Arroyo if Schilling can't go. Now granted Arroyo only lasted a couple of innings but he isn't on normal rest and Wakefield hasn't looked good on his relief appearances. 10/18/2004 12:03:37 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
^ i dont think it much matters...supposed to rain HARD in the city Tues/Weds 10/18/2004 1:19:52 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
YAY 'Curse of the Bambino' on HBO and Pedro's favorite quote just was played..
'Wake up the Bambino and I'll face him..maybe I'll drill him in the ass' - then he got hurt and didnt pitch again that year 
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 3:54 PM. Reason : joasf] 10/18/2004 3:54:15 PM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
There is no travel day anymore - they'll play every day until it is decided.
And I'm sorry that I don't stay glued to TWW during all sporting events.  10/18/2004 4:16:25 PM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
OMFG - it's the bottom of the 1st and nobody's posting!!! we're all bandwagon fans retreating into our holes!!!! 10/18/2004 5:27:20 PM
panthersny All American 9550 Posts user info edit post |
no its called watching the game
but im lying in bed watching while online w/laptop
bases loaded 1out 1-0 bos bottom of first....please bosox win 10/18/2004 5:31:16 PM
mtfrazi2 All American 2395 Posts user info edit post |
well, BigPapa, they are pounding him early 10/18/2004 5:31:34 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
There it was. 10/18/2004 5:34:40 PM
BMWblonde All American 4874 Posts user info edit post |
let's go Red Sox  10/18/2004 5:35:28 PM
panthersny All American 9550 Posts user info edit post |
come on don't go for that
2-0 bosox end of first 10/18/2004 5:37:40 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Strike out this billion dollar payroll, Pedro! 10/18/2004 5:44:28 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
Look, I like the Red Sox for the guys they have, but you should be careful bringing up payrolls. I mean, if you're gonna cheer against New York for buying the best players, you better cheer against the Sox if they advance. 10/18/2004 5:45:51 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Haha, I just wanted to see what kind of a response I would get. I know Boston spends a lot. But you can't even compare them to the Yankees in terms of buying players.
I don't think anyone is a fan based on a team's payroll. I'm a Red Sox fan because I fucking love the Red Sox. 10/18/2004 5:50:05 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
nice catch  10/18/2004 6:00:31 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
Southeast North Carolina represent!!! 10/18/2004 6:00:38 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Grrrrrrr, Gary Sheffield.
The Sox are going to make you EAT those words, you steroid-pumping motherfucker!
(GREAT catch, Nixon!!) 10/18/2004 6:01:21 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Fucking Godzirra!! 10/18/2004 6:06:02 PM
Konami All American 10855 Posts user info edit post |
Could it be? Have we actually held on to a lead for more than 1 inning? WOWZERS!
And yes ncsupontiac, I can use "we" because I am in fact Doug Mientkiewicz, posting straight from the clubhouse.
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 6:12 PM. Reason : heh] 10/18/2004 6:10:36 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
You spelled it wrong, Konami. It's Mienkwedkljlakjslkdjfaklsjdfkhnguepqdiofjklvasdich. 10/18/2004 6:13:29 PM
Konami All American 10855 Posts user info edit post |
I think I'd know how to spell my own name.  10/18/2004 6:14:50 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
hand-eye coordination is key  10/18/2004 6:15:52 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Then I get to be Schilling!
Haha, Jeter(ror). 10/18/2004 6:16:38 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
that was a strike?!  10/18/2004 6:19:37 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
How the hell does Ruben Sierra only hit a handful of home runs every year with arms that fucking huge? 10/18/2004 6:24:46 PM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "no its called watching the game
but im lying in bed watching while online w/laptop" |
I was being sarcastic in the thread that the yanks on here have been calling us bandwagon, etc becaquse we don't post nonstop during games 10/18/2004 6:34:45 PM
CharlieEFH All American 21806 Posts user info edit post |
damn baseball fans are ruthless 
now i don't watch a lot of baseball, but doesn't the ball have to go over the plate to be a strike?
or is that just a shitty camera angle they're showing?
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 6:49 PM. Reason : asdg] 10/18/2004 6:49:00 PM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Yeah, well, Joe Pepitone or not, I own the inside of that plate! So I throw one inside, a little chin music... put him right on his pants, because I got to intimidate when I'm on the mound. Well, the next pitch, he's right back in the same place! So.... I had to plunk him." |
 10/18/2004 6:51:26 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
:/ 10/18/2004 7:14:03 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Come ooooooooon, Pedro. 10/18/2004 7:15:08 PM
Sousapickle All American 3027 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How the hell does Ruben Sierra only hit a handful of home runs every year with arms that fucking huge?" |
"Baseball is the single most difficult thing to do in sports" -Ted Williams
all the steroids in the world can't make you a good hitter
fuck, jeter is clutch damn good slide by cairo
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:16 PM. Reason : .] 10/18/2004 7:15:32 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfucking bullshit. 10/18/2004 7:15:42 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
Where are those Jeter haters now.. ha ha
Bill Simmons was asked on a scale of 1-10 how scared he is of Jeter at the plate in a big situation.
He said 11. 10/18/2004 7:15:55 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
Someone who watches baseball a lot more than me help me out. How far can you get off the baseline when coming into slide at home like that? 10/18/2004 7:16:31 PM
Sousapickle All American 3027 Posts user info edit post |
^^i've learned to never EVER doubt jeter in a big situation...just easily the most clutch baseball player i've ever seen
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:17 PM. Reason : ^] 10/18/2004 7:16:54 PM
mtfrazi2 All American 2395 Posts user info edit post |
typical boston pitchers hitting the next batter b/c they are pissed
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:18 PM. Reason : arod took it like a man] 10/18/2004 7:17:04 PM
DSpear456 Veteran 306 Posts user info edit post |
thats got to hurt 10/18/2004 7:18:00 PM
Sousapickle All American 3027 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^basically as far as you want, as long as you can still reach the plate
i mean, you can't get the catcher to chase you around, but a slide like that is perfectly fine.
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:18 PM. Reason : ^] 10/18/2004 7:18:22 PM
rallydurham Suspended 11317 Posts user info edit post |
The noise it made was just sickening...
Pathetic fielding killing the Red Sox yet again.
How long could it possibly take to field that ball... No excuse for letting the thrid runner score... poor throw as well
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:19 PM. Reason : a] 10/18/2004 7:18:23 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
They can't be leaving him in....
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:21 PM. Reason : ] 10/18/2004 7:18:56 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Poor call at the plate, as well. That motherfucker was OUT. 10/18/2004 7:21:26 PM
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit post |
^I don't think he ever actually got tagged. If he was actually tagged at the point where the glove was closest, then he was out... but I just don't think he ever actually touched him.
Trot's my dawg, yo
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 7:23 PM. Reason : ] 10/18/2004 7:22:00 PM