then again i played dota 3.5 or so.
10/21/2012 4:56:46 PM
depends on what you mean by "easymode"dota itemization and team comps can be much more complex seeing as almost all of the characters can be played in any role, and even the same champion in the same role can have wildly different build orders depending on the game and the opposition.LoL has taken the opposite approach. The skill floor is incredibly low. Most all characters have certain roles they are most suited to. Builds generally only vary in the defensive items you choose or possibly an alternate build when you're way behind.The average dota player is better than the average lol player because dota is designed to draw a more advanced crowd. However, top level dota and lol are both extremely difficult. The best dota players are equally good at dota as the best lol players are at lol. Its a stupid arguement either way.
10/21/2012 10:12:29 PM
Dota 2 is hard as fuck for anyone used to playing league. The attack animations are hard as fuck to get. The game is cooler in the sense that there is more variability in games but it is way easier to get behind and not be able to recover.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
10/22/2012 6:26:55 PM
Season 3 bitchesI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/9/2012 4:17:45 PM
I just got to 30 at the beginning of Nov and played ranked, at 14/8 now with 1386 elo but I'm only half decent at top and support so most of the losses were when people called both of those and wouldn't switch. I'm definitely better late game, esp with sona and soraka. At least half my wins we were way behind at 20 min and team tried to surrender but we pulled it out eventually. My thinking is that late game focus and skill are a little more important where as early game teams with lots of early cc can get ahead, but maybe that's because I don't want to feel bad about my typical 1 or 2 early deaths as support.
11/9/2012 5:05:29 PM
Wait. You've been 30 for 9 days. Went 14/8 and you're 1300 elo?Have you lost like 10000 normal games due to retards? or do you play a bunch of custom matches?I'm Krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on November 9, 2012 at 8:26 PM. Reason : ]
11/9/2012 8:26:13 PM
seems p obv he's saying 14/8 ranked.
11/10/2012 4:29:40 PM
yeah meant win/loss...
11/12/2012 12:47:09 PM
i forgot elo starts at 1200. Was thinking you averaged 50 elo change per game. Anyways don't troll any of your first 25 gamesI'm krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on November 12, 2012 at 12:51 PM. Reason : Pentagram - BE FOREWARNED.mp3]
11/12/2012 12:50:58 PM
SEASON III: Revenge of the Sith I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/16/2012 7:33:17 AM, dunkmaster yi is now viableI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/16/2012 8:28:03 AM
5-1 so far in Season 3....feelsgoodman
11/19/2012 8:21:44 PM
Started out 9-0. Now I'm 14-12
11/19/2012 8:38:33 PM
has lulu been buffed? I was doing ok with her before, but now she is my goto support. Siv lulu with cho coming out of the jungle is amazing. I want to try zyra next. (havent started ranked yet since the reset, waiting till after finals)
11/19/2012 10:16:21 PM
^^ so are you back at the elo you had at the end of S2?
11/19/2012 10:44:27 PM
Nope. Finished s2 at like 1240. Currently at 1389.
11/19/2012 11:14:59 PM
Zyra is an awesome support. 1k elo is a joke. You can literally do whatever you want. Teemo irelia mid and we crushed.I started out 4-0, then lost 5 games duo queieng. Now i've won my last 3. None of this matters. Shit is going to be way different when that patch comes out.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on November 20, 2012 at 8:20 AM. Reason : ]
11/20/2012 8:17:56 AM
ahhhI'm Krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on November 24, 2012 at 1:26 PM. Reason : Ashe confirmed for not viable till s3]
11/24/2012 1:25:36 PM
I really enjoy all the Yoricks who think they will hard counter Jayce just because they are Yorick. I dont think I have ever lost top lane to one.
11/24/2012 2:11:59 PM
I can not manage to learn jayce, and i love watching people fail to counter someone because they heard it was a counter. l o lI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/24/2012 2:55:39 PM
Jayce is easy to learn. Play a few bot games as only hammer form, then only cannon. Then combine the two.
11/24/2012 3:01:40 PM
I think i refunded him. Mainly i didn't like his attack animationI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/24/2012 4:32:23 PM
this patch needs to hurry up. Looks like i'm going out of town for a week once it hits.that is gonna fuck me in rankedI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
11/30/2012 6:57:14 PM'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/4/2012 4:22:10 PM
haha serves him right. I like the new patch so far, the shop is weird but the new items seem pretty cool. Jungled nunu in the new jungle and made a ton of gold just farming it up.
12/4/2012 6:45:55 PM
everyone is suddenly so bad at this gameI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/4/2012 9:36:03 PM
Yeah i have seen some really stupid builds already.
12/4/2012 10:35:22 PM
I think i'll be able to carry myself high as fuck tomorrow. I didn't come close to even almost getting remotely near any possibility of a chance of a potential loss today.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/4/2012 11:33:09 PM
Finally carried my first account back to silver today.I got sucked down to 900 elo early in season 2 and gave up out of frustrationMade another account, got to 30 and hovered around 1350-1400 elo.Started playing the first account again during pre-season and carried it up from 900.Made it to 1180 today. Like Krallum said - you can do absolutely anything at 900-1k eloI carried to 1050ish running a Nunu top before it stopped being effective.
12/9/2012 11:47:48 PM
I've been playing ashe top. It worksI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/10/2012 10:35:43 AM
Ezreal top is also really strong, since you have an anti gap closer.I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/10/2012 3:19:43 PM
^^^haven't done ranked much around the holidays, but I got my first account(Wirts) that I made back up to 1250 today. Carried up from around 900. I am 31/22 so far since the reset.My other account(Raving Eskimo) is showing 1396, but i've only done 4 placement matches so far. got some pretty crazy stats with the elo rise.I am 16/5 with ashe. KDA averages are 8.2/2.5/9.1Actually got this last win with that Nunu Top I was talking about earlier. Went 7/1/7 vs Malphite. [Edited on December 30, 2012 at 2:30 AM. Reason : .]
12/30/2012 2:29:01 AM
Add me if you guys want. Username: Gronke
12/30/2012 2:29:57 AM
Nunu top is anti fun as fuck Im Krallum and i approved this message
12/30/2012 3:14:26 AM
I've started to do 3s on Twisted Treeline, and I like it a lot. Games are shorter and you get the chance to farm a lot more (and safer), so you can test more builds in a faster timeline. I just finished one game that went unexpectedly. Our team was J4, Leona, and Ryze. They were Mord, Garen, and Darius. I expected this to go so very poorly for us. Instead, they got destroyed. Our team went 30-7. I'd like to blame their playing, but they were convinced it was our CC. Either way, that was fun.PS - I really like Ravenous Hydra on J4. It feels almost mandatory due to his AS bonus coupled with the AE dmg / lifeleach, and the fact that you'll be in the thick of things.
1/21/2013 12:00:24 AM'm Krallum and I approved this message.
1/27/2013 12:19:43 PM
Trying to figure out a tanky auto damage thresh build that stacks from his q's passive I think its going to be manamune, IE, RoA, and Atmogs late. I want to try this out of the jungle but haven't had time to play with it. A fully charged auto with that build and spell pen boots/runes/masteries should be pushing 1k and criting almost as much without the atmogs. Also, twin shadows on a lux supporting a cait is awesome
1/28/2013 12:20:12 PM
if you're going manamune ie ... dont get a roa
1/28/2013 2:13:54 PM
What does Manamune give your Thresh build? His abilities have high enough CDs that you won't be spamming all your abilities constantly, so mana isn't so important from what I can tell. Is it the extra little bit from the active on Muramana?Muramana is just one of those odd items that looks great on paper, but is only great on a few champs from what I've seen.
1/28/2013 4:53:12 PM
I pretty much only build muramana on ryze. I get a tear first on K6 sometimes. Most of the high elo players have been building thresh as an ADC, long sword into BT, then LW or IE. Theres always giraffes' manamune ashe buildroflI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
1/28/2013 5:43:43 PM
I'm not real sure why you would build Atma on Thresh. Or hell even manamune. If you want to focus on his Q passive then just go all AD. Boots of your choice, BT, IE, Hydra, Warmogs, Randuins would be a much better tanky build that is going to put out a ton of damage.
1/28/2013 6:48:53 PM
1/31/2013 7:12:14 AM
Quantic sucks ass.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>This is where its atI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
1/31/2013 1:11:11 PM
My idea for the thresh build is probably why im still 1100 elo
1/31/2013 7:56:45 PM
Haha, you've been trying to do that build in ranked games? I'm assuming you get many "colorful" remarks in games .And are you still doing jungle? I heard he is just so slow at jungle its not really worth it. Typically support, but sometimes top. Maybe consider checking out some Shen builds. Both characters scale from AP but with horrible rations, so most people just build them tanky with AD. It won't be a perfect comparison, but maybe it would give you ideas.
2/1/2013 9:58:17 AM
Nah Thresh shouldn't be built like Shen as Wits end is a key to every shen build. You don't really want attack speed on Thresh. Just build him standard ad/tanky or pure tank. Or just go support and build support items.
2/1/2013 11:00:36 AM mean sunfire cape, warmogs. Resistance is not cost efficient in s3. The cape is core for split pushing.Im Krallum and i approved this message
2/1/2013 11:40:14 AM
havent tried thresh in ranked yet but i do similar crappy builds with others and try to make up for it with mechanics. The main complaint i get is not buying a sight stone as a support but so far, most of the games are all but decided at 20 min. I also tend to buy a lot of pinks so until the games start getting closer and going longer I dont see the point. It's also annoying that im the only one warding and 2 or 3 wards at a time isnt enough. I need 3 item slots to have enough wards to cover the map if i have a sight stone. Is this more bad logic?
2/1/2013 11:48:27 AM
As a warning, Sightstone is getting a little nerf/buff in the upcoming patch. It will have more health and build from a Ruby Crystal (buff), but cost more (nerf). The idea is to delay Sightstone just a little longer.Also, the jungler/support should be warding. And I've seen smart top players ward for themselves (at least early on). Mids might ward with a pink of there is a stealth jungler/roamer, but otherwise I don't see them or the ADC ward much.If your team doesn't ward, you are more likely to lose.If only one person is warding, they lose out on money and fall behind on items later on and aren't as helpful in teamfights . . . and you are more likely to lose (though I've seen this strat before).Just my 2 cents.
2/1/2013 2:03:08 PM
Anyone play support heimerdinger? I've been on a pretty hot streak as him supporting
2/1/2013 2:58:00 PM