Oh shitAfter all these years, hey now finally found 5 dollars in his couch to get his own screen namePiss off you fucking noob
4/7/2010 11:08:41 PM
I will no longer keep a list of non-XBOX360 WarriorsXBOX360TWW Handle - Gamer Tag Apocalypse - hey now 79aaronian - sirlecheAstralAdvent - Wallz1441Axelay - Silent Scope EXAzaka - PlzDieIRLBigEgo - Thunder PackBigT716 - iNthblackJak71 - chuck darnellbumpintahoe - DxWenckebachclalias - wolfpackNCddf583 - Sprocket0dFshadow - shadowdenialDoeoJ - DoeoJdubcaps - snvdweedle - dweedleengrish - mullnastyExiled - Drulaxfenway - rollinsox007Fry - Sik NCSUGKMatt - ac1dburn79Golovko - ktk golovkoguitarguy - chronic narniaHUR - Eddie935HEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGjdbyrd - ByrdOfPreyjdbyrd - onenastybyrdKeB - keeter8KyleAtState - donk3y rid3rMikedaWolf - GI Judas 336Money_Jones - DersquadMr. Joshua - RationalSolidmsb2ncsu - msb2ncsuncsuallday - sookie penguinncsu4good02- MasterMoocher07NyM410 - nym410Pikey - Pikey412rtc407 - yfeahskeeter - herpgonasflaidsSlave Famous - Squadooshsledgekevlar - sledgekevlarspydyrwyr - spydyrwyrstixman - Freeloader007terpball - DCSNIPERterpbalThe Gringo - Beer TundraThePeter - Raep Seedtnezami - SPDRMNKY12tracer - saturn1118TreeTwista10 - AkwaticVulcan91 - Dale Cooper 91wahoowa - daBEANnHCLWolfpackKC - Donks22Wolfpackman - StateMcDingusWraith - DariusNCSUXActoMan - ZahnernautGamer Tag - TWW Handleac1dburn79 - GKMattAkwatic - TreeTwista10Beer Tundra - The GringoByrdOfPrey - jdbyrdchuck darnell - blackJak71chronic narnia - guitarguydaBEANnHCL - wahoowaDale Cooper 91 - Vulcan91DariusNCSU - WraithDCSNIPERterpbal - terpballDoeoJ - DoeoJdonk3y rid3r - KyleAtStateDonks22 - WolfpackKCDrulax - ExiledDersquad - Money_Jonesdweedle - dweedleDxWenckebach - bumpintahoeEddie935 - HURFreeloader007 - stixmanGI Judas 336 - MikedaWolfHEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGherpgonasflaids - skeeterhey now 79 - ApocalypseiNth - BigT716keeter8 - KeBktk golovko - GolovkoMasterMoocher07 - ncsu4good02 msb2ncsu - msb2ncsumullnasty - engrishnym410 - NyM410Pikey412 - PikeyPlzDieIRL - AzakaRaep Seed - ThePeterRationalSolid - Mr. Joshuarollinsox007 - fenwaysaturn1118 - tracershadowdenial - dFshadowSik NCSU - FrySilent Scope EX - Axelaysirleche - aaroniansledgekevlar - sledgekevlarsnv - dubcapssookie penguin - ncsualldaySPDRMNKY12 - tnezamiSprocket0 - ddf583spydyrwyr - spydyrwyrSquadoosh - Slave FamousStateMcDingus - WolfpackmanThunder Pack - BigEgoWallz1441 - AstralAdventwolfpackNC - claliasyfeah - rtc407Zahnernaut - XActoMan[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 11:09 AM. Reason : ]
4/8/2010 11:07:36 AM
well fuck that, here's the last PS3 list.[PS3] aph319 - gilbertssyndrome[PS3] AxlBonBach - dinodunksuit[PS3] BobbyDigital - NCSU-Bobby[PS3] bubster5041 - jtshinn11[PS3] Capt Insano - Buie04[PS3] Dammit100 - Dammit100[PS3] dannydigtl - dannydigital[PS3] DROD900 - drod900[PS3] dyne - Kryptik963[PS3] eleusis - goiterjoe[PS3] FriendlyFire - jus10ls[PS3] Fry - xLionhart[PS3] JohnnyTHM - Bitburg_Hammer[PS3] JT3bucky - thelegendaryjt3[PS3] katiencbabe - katiencbabe84[PS3] kdawg(c) - cadinkis[PS3] Mattallica - poogrenade[PS3] mawle427 - voormas[PS3] packboozie - NCSUBoozie[PS3] peakseeker - WOLFBLAZER[PS3] Psykorage - Psykorage[PS3] robster - rttaylor619[PS3] RowdyRebel7 - MrReath[PS3] Sackman - asomalianpirate[PS3] skeeter - herpgonasflaids[PS3] smoothcrim - packpower21[PS3] TaterSalad - NCStatePack[PS3] ViolentMAW - Geek_USA_3[PS3] volex - volex28
4/8/2010 11:10:28 AM
What's the most PS3 players who have ever been playing this together at the same time?Because we have double digits regularly...sometimes we even have to boot the noobs so the old vets can have a spot in the party
4/8/2010 11:23:50 AM
yeah i don't know.
4/8/2010 11:25:43 AM
I get the feeling that the TWW clan tag just isn't held as dear by the PS3 contingent as it is by the 360 faction.For the 360 Warriors, it is a brotherhood. It makes and breaks bonds that could not be affected otherwise.When a 360 Warrior sends out the Call to Mount and creates a party, the true 360 Warrior will quit the FFA, S&D, or TDM match in mid killstreak to join the holy communion of TWW brotherhood.In many cases the brotherhood overfloweth with dedication and even the much maligned Ground War lobby is not enough to contain the ranks of the 360 Warriors.So awe-inspiring is the sight of 8 mounted Warriors in a pre-game lobby, that even the opponents will adopt the glorious TWW clan tag. (They are of course then beaten into a mushy pulp with OMA nubetubery for their desicration of the name)I have yet to hear tell of even one of these tales of honor and brotherhood from the PS3 element.PASSIONPOWERHISTORY[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 12:52 PM. Reason : PPH]
4/8/2010 12:46:32 PM
i've only had like 2 other people from tww in a game with me (that I was aware of). congratulations on being so popular on the xbox system.
4/8/2010 12:46:53 PM
just bought the stimulus maps - gamertag is natasfonos666
4/8/2010 12:47:20 PM
^vital information not included
4/8/2010 12:49:32 PM
hahaha. what a touching verse about the TWW brotherhood on 360.
4/8/2010 12:57:27 PM
4/8/2010 1:04:29 PM
we need a website
4/8/2010 1:15:26 PM
4/8/2010 1:25:35 PM
oh shithttp://thewhitewarriors.info/
4/8/2010 2:45:41 PM
When the site is up I will post the site in my xbl bioI think there should be a disclaimer to not that we are not a bias group so the site does not get red flagged by the feds^^ i like your gamertag ... friend request comingI will no longer keep a list of non-XBOX360 WarriorsUPDATE: NEW WARRIORSlion4russell - immacul8ejacul8 XSMP - natasfonos666XBOX360TWW Handle - Gamer Tag Apocalypse - hey now 79aaronian - sirlecheAstralAdvent - Wallz1441Axelay - Silent Scope EXAzaka - PlzDieIRLBigEgo - Thunder PackBigT716 - iNthblackJak71 - chuck darnellbumpintahoe - DxWenckebachclalias - wolfpackNCddf583 - Sprocket0dFshadow - shadowdenialDoeoJ - DoeoJdubcaps - snvdweedle - dweedleengrish - mullnastyExiled - Drulaxfenway - rollinsox007Fry - Sik NCSUGKMatt - ac1dburn79Golovko - ktk golovkoguitarguy - chronic narniaHUR - Eddie935HEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGjdbyrd - ByrdOfPreyjdbyrd - onenastybyrdKeB - keeter8KyleAtState - donk3y rid3rlion4russell - immacul8ejacul8 MikedaWolf - GI Judas 336Money_Jones - DersquadMr. Joshua - RationalSolidmsb2ncsu - msb2ncsuncsuallday - sookie penguinncsu4good02- MasterMoocher07NyM410 - nym410Pikey - Pikey412rtc407 - yfeahskeeter - herpgonasflaidsSlave Famous - Squadooshsledgekevlar - sledgekevlarspydyrwyr - spydyrwyrstixman - Freeloader007terpball - DCSNIPERterpbalThe Gringo - Beer TundraThePeter - Raep Seedtnezami - SPDRMNKY12tracer - saturn1118TreeTwista10 - AkwaticVulcan91 - Dale Cooper 91wahoowa - daBEANnHCLWolfpackKC - Donks22Wolfpackman - StateMcDingusWraith - DariusNCSUXActoMan - ZahnernautXSMP - natasfonos666Gamer Tag - TWW Handleac1dburn79 - GKMattAkwatic - TreeTwista10Beer Tundra - The GringoByrdOfPrey - jdbyrdchuck darnell - blackJak71chronic narnia - guitarguydaBEANnHCL - wahoowaDale Cooper 91 - Vulcan91DariusNCSU - WraithDCSNIPERterpbal - terpballDoeoJ - DoeoJdonk3y rid3r - KyleAtStateDonks22 - WolfpackKCDrulax - ExiledDersquad - Money_Jonesdweedle - dweedleDxWenckebach - bumpintahoeEddie935 - HURFreeloader007 - stixmanGI Judas 336 - MikedaWolfHEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGherpgonasflaids - skeeterhey now 79 - Apocalypseimmacul8ejacul8 - lion4russelliNth - BigT716keeter8 - KeBktk golovko - GolovkoMasterMoocher07 - ncsu4good02 msb2ncsu - msb2ncsumullnasty - engrishnatasfonos666 - XSMPnym410 - NyM410Pikey412 - PikeyPlzDieIRL - AzakaRaep Seed - ThePeterRationalSolid - Mr. Joshuarollinsox007 - fenwaysaturn1118 - tracershadowdenial - dFshadowSik NCSU - FrySilent Scope EX - Axelaysirleche - aaroniansledgekevlar - sledgekevlarsnv - dubcapssookie penguin - ncsualldaySPDRMNKY12 - tnezamiSprocket0 - ddf583spydyrwyr - spydyrwyrSquadoosh - Slave FamousStateMcDingus - WolfpackmanThunder Pack - BigEgoWallz1441 - AstralAdventwolfpackNC - claliasyfeah - rtc407Zahnernaut - XActoMan[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 3:06 PM. Reason : ]
4/8/2010 2:55:20 PM
XMSP is outI will not tolerate his presence
4/8/2010 3:11:16 PM
so much for brotherhood...
4/8/2010 3:13:49 PM
There's a limit to our hospitality
4/8/2010 3:18:19 PM
He can fly the flag to promote our strength in numbers while he is playing, but that doesn't mean he will get to join the tier 1 or tier 2 lobbies
4/8/2010 3:39:20 PM
So I was going over the Archives and realized we are missing some roster infoGamer Tag / TWW Handlebojos00 - Bojosaxegrinder01 - ucanthaveitDirtyJoooooo - ???FlynSpghtiMnstr - ???kneeslapper - seedlessMildew23 - mildewProject Benzor - ???Sh0wSt0ppaX - Genkithenewmoody - dmballer18talibus - cyrion UnhookedRaptor - ???[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM. Reason : ]
4/8/2010 4:11:47 PM
mildew is mildew
4/8/2010 4:13:54 PM
i havent played this since release week, but i need some new ppl to play games with. i will join you my TWW brethren so that I may enjoy a large team with many a tdubber. i have fond memories of playing with 3-4 of you during MW1.[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 4:15 PM. Reason : tho im much worse at 2 for some reason. bullshit.]
4/8/2010 4:14:45 PM
^ post gamer tag and console we will add you
4/8/2010 4:17:32 PM
4/8/2010 4:19:05 PM
lots of ppl have me already.Talibus - Xbox360
4/8/2010 4:20:57 PM
you usertagg'd the wrong bojosB0j0s is bojos00
4/8/2010 4:32:30 PM
looks like i got bumped from the clan
4/8/2010 4:46:04 PM
the clan isn't done with you yet
4/8/2010 4:50:05 PM
4/8/2010 5:09:58 PM
need a quality "under construction" animated gif on that website.
4/8/2010 5:56:53 PM
does jdbyrd use both his XBL accounts?
4/8/2010 6:11:18 PM
if anybody wants some help with the warrior web site let me know..would be glad to put a design together.
4/8/2010 6:55:20 PM
^^ i know he uses byrdofprey. he's on halo 3 right now with guitarguy
4/8/2010 8:18:37 PM
TWW Handle - Gamer TagApocalypse - hey now 79aaronian - sirlecheAstralAdvent - Wallz1441Axelay - Silent Scope EXAzaka - PlzDieIRLBigEgo - Thunder PackBigT716 - iNthblackJak71 - chuck darnellbumpintahoe - DxWenckebachclalias - wolfpackNCddf583 - Sprocket0dFshadow - shadowdenialDoeoJ - DoeoJdubcaps - snvdweedle - dweedleengrish - mullnastyExiled - Drulaxfenway - rollinsox007FriendlyFire - General ShattonFry - Sik NCSUGKMatt - ac1dburn79Golovko - ktk golovkoguitarguy - chronic narniaHUR - Eddie935HEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGjdbyrd - ByrdOfPreyjdbyrd - onenastybyrdKeB - keeter8KyleAtState - donk3y rid3rlion4russell - immacul8ejacul8MikedaWolf - GI Judas 336Money_Jones - DersquadMr. Joshua - RationalSolidmsb2ncsu - msb2ncsuncsuallday - sookie penguinncsu4good02- MasterMoocher07NyM410 - nym410Pikey - Pikey412rtc407 - yfeahskeeter - herpgonasflaidsSlave Famous - Squadooshsledgekevlar - sledgekevlarspydyrwyr - spydyrwyrstixman - Freeloader007terpball - DCSNIPERterpbalThe Gringo - Beer TundraThePeter - Raep Seedtnezami - SPDRMNKY12tracer - saturn1118TreeTwista10 - AkwaticVulcan91 - Dale Cooper 91wahoowa - daBEANnHCLWolfpackKC - Donks22Wolfpackman - StateMcDingusWraith - DariusNCSUXActoMan - ZahnernautXSMP - natasfonos666Gamer Tag - TWW Handleac1dburn79 - GKMattAkwatic - TreeTwista10Beer Tundra - The GringoByrdOfPrey - jdbyrdchuck darnell - blackJak71chronic narnia - guitarguydaBEANnHCL - wahoowaDale Cooper 91 - Vulcan91DariusNCSU - WraithDCSNIPERterpbal - terpballDoeoJ - DoeoJdonk3y rid3r - KyleAtStateDonks22 - WolfpackKCDrulax - ExiledDersquad - Money_Jonesdweedle - dweedleDxWenckebach - bumpintahoeEddie935 - HURFreeloader007 - stixmanGeneral Shatton - FriendlyFireGI Judas 336 - MikedaWolfHEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGherpgonasflaids - skeeterhey now 79 - Apocalypseimmacul8ejacul8 - lion4russelliNth - BigT716keeter8 - KeBktk golovko - GolovkoMasterMoocher07 - ncsu4good02msb2ncsu - msb2ncsumullnasty - engrishnatasfonos666 - XSMPnym410 - NyM410Pikey412 - PikeyPlzDieIRL - AzakaRaep Seed - ThePeterRationalSolid - Mr. Joshuarollinsox007 - fenwaysaturn1118 - tracershadowdenial - dFshadowSik NCSU - FrySilent Scope EX - Axelaysirleche - aaroniansledgekevlar - sledgekevlarsnv - dubcapssookie penguin - ncsualldaySPDRMNKY12 - tnezamiSprocket0 - ddf583spydyrwyr - spydyrwyrSquadoosh - Slave FamousStateMcDingus - WolfpackmanThunder Pack - BigEgoWallz1441 - AstralAdventwolfpackNC - claliasyfeah - rtc407Zahnernaut - XActoManShould be getting the box back next week, will mount up then.
4/8/2010 8:23:39 PM
Mounting in progress
4/8/2010 9:03:36 PM
that's what she said.
4/8/2010 9:06:20 PM
in progress? ur bitchass still aint on
4/8/2010 9:16:07 PM
I will no longer keep a list of non-XBOX360 WarriorsXBOX360TWW Handle - Gamer Tag Apocalypse - hey now 79aaronian - sirlecheAstralAdvent - Wallz1441Axelay - Silent Scope EXAzaka - PlzDieIRLBigEgo - Thunder PackBigT716 - iNthblackJak71 - chuck darnellB0j0s - bojos00bumpintahoe - DxWenckebachclalias - wolfpackNCcyrion - Talibus ddf583 - Sprocket0dFshadow - shadowdenialdmballer18 - thenewmoodyDoeoJ - DoeoJdubcaps - snvdweedle - dweedleengrish - mullnastyExiled - Drulaxfenway - rollinsox007FriendlyFire - General ShattonFry - Sik NCSUGenki - Sh0wSt0ppaXGKMatt - ac1dburn79Golovko - ktk golovkoguitarguy - chronic narniaHUR - Eddie935HEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGjdbyrd - ByrdOfPreyjdbyrd - onenastybyrdKeB - keeter8KyleAtState - donk3y rid3rlion4russell - immacul8ejacul8 MikedaWolf - GI Judas 336mildew - Mildew23Money_Jones - DersquadMr. Joshua - RationalSolidmsb2ncsu - msb2ncsuncsuallday - sookie penguinncsu4good02- MasterMoocher07NyM410 - nym410Pikey - Pikey412rtc407 - yfeahseedless - kneeslapperskeeter - herpgonasflaidsSlave Famous - Squadooshsledgekevlar - sledgekevlarspydyrwyr - spydyrwyrstixman - Freeloader007terpball - DCSNIPERterpbalThe Gringo - Beer TundraThePeter - Raep Seedtnezami - SPDRMNKY12tracer - saturn1118TreeTwista10 - Akwaticucanthaveit - axegrinder01Vulcan91 - Dale Cooper 91wahoowa - daBEANnHCLWolfpackKC - Donks22Wolfpackman - StateMcDingusWraith - DariusNCSUXActoMan - ZahnernautXSMP - natasfonos666Gamer Tag - TWW Handleac1dburn79 - GKMattAkwatic - TreeTwista10axegrinder01 - ucanthaveitBeer Tundra - The Gringobojos00 - B0j0sByrdOfPrey - jdbyrdchronic narnia - guitarguychuck darnell - blackJak71daBEANnHCL - wahoowaDale Cooper 91 - Vulcan91DariusNCSU - WraithDCSNIPERterpbal - terpballDersquad - Money_JonesDoeoJ - DoeoJdonk3y rid3r - KyleAtStateDonks22 - WolfpackKCDrulax - Exileddweedle - dweedleDxWenckebach - bumpintahoeEddie935 - HURFreeloader007 - stixmanGeneral Shatton - FriendlyFireGI Judas 336 - MikedaWolfHEAVYCRAIG - HEAVYCRAIGherpgonasflaids - skeeterhey now 79 - Apocalypseimmacul8ejacul8 - lion4russelliNth - BigT716keeter8 - KeBkneeslapper - seedlessktk golovko - GolovkoMasterMoocher07 - ncsu4good02 Mildew23 - mildewmsb2ncsu - msb2ncsumullnasty - engrishnatasfonos666 - XSMPnym410 - NyM410Pikey412 - PikeyPlzDieIRL - AzakaRaep Seed - ThePeterRationalSolid - Mr. Joshuarollinsox007 - fenwaysaturn1118 - tracershadowdenial - dFshadowSh0wSt0ppaX - GenkiSik NCSU - FrySilent Scope EX - Axelaysirleche - aaroniansledgekevlar - sledgekevlarsnv - dubcapssookie penguin - ncsualldaySPDRMNKY12 - tnezamiSprocket0 - ddf583spydyrwyr - spydyrwyrSquadoosh - Slave FamousStateMcDingus - WolfpackmanTalibus - cyrion thenewmoody - dmballer18Thunder Pack - BigEgoWallz1441 - AstralAdventwolfpackNC - claliasyfeah - rtc407Zahnernaut - XActoManTHE UNKNOWN SOLDIERSDirtyJoooooo - ???FlynSpghtiMnstr - ???Project Benzor - ???UnhookedRaptor - ???[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 9:48 PM. Reason : ]
4/8/2010 9:35:20 PM
hold on let me repost the list again, just for good measure
4/8/2010 9:40:48 PM
sorry i kept making mistakes and finding more people
4/8/2010 9:48:54 PM
4/8/2010 10:12:05 PM
really don't need that 3 times a page
4/8/2010 10:15:25 PM
we need a central resource like a website to keep the list on....
4/8/2010 10:21:14 PM
Just tried loading the Steam free multiplayer weekend. Downloaded everything and got a localization.txt error. So I deleted the 2 files it said to delete, and now the damn thing is downloading another shit ton. Maybe it will be done when I get home.
4/9/2010 7:19:41 AM
4th prestige... starting over is not so bad now that i've become good with the famas.
4/9/2010 9:43:58 AM
you are a slave to the famas
4/9/2010 10:09:46 AM
4/9/2010 10:35:17 AM
Wow, incredibly gay.
4/9/2010 10:39:50 AM
Haha, lol at him using the glasses to look behind him
4/9/2010 11:08:12 AM
I installed the Steam version just to test, and it sucks ass.
4/9/2010 12:11:58 PM