One feature of one of my favorite non tww message boards is the ability to totally discard certain peoples posts. that would be really nice. If its too hard I understand.
11/2/2002 1:13:02 AM
then you wouldn't get the full effect.
11/2/2002 11:51:21 AM
that could be potentially dangerous if they don't know you're blocking them...And how would you handle it if your "blocked" person started a thread? Would it ignore the thread altogether?
11/2/2002 5:07:12 PM
yeah that way, people like Maxwell can block my screenname, so they won't get so offended when i post stuff about my band.fucking loser.
11/2/2002 6:23:46 PM
but for the thread question the threads posted by the blocked one will be posted but nothing they post other than threads will be visible from them. I like this because you can totally get rid of the trash certain users post. I would think this would be a good premium benefit.
11/3/2002 11:42:06 PM
but i think the one person everyone wants to block is the one creating all the you'd see a thread, but not their post about it. Like it would start with the first reply?
11/4/2002 3:06:32 AM
well there isn't a good way to get around that and actually I didn't mean large eddy this one was for solinari/Hemogoblin. but you could block threads too.
11/4/2002 3:13:56 AM
I don't think that will ever happen, because we implement caching on the forum pages. Basically when someone replies to a topic, the entire topic as well as the topic list is stored in memory until the next reply. Filtering out posts would negate a lot of the benefit of caching.
11/4/2002 11:46:12 AM
^good. it shouldnt happen anyway.
11/4/2002 10:01:26 PM