the fk are they talking about? major keys having to do with grief and death? fucking stupid take on the keys, 2/10 (2 points for enthusiasm about the subject )Db MajorA leering key, degenerating into grief and rapture. It cannot laugh, but it can smile; it cannot howl, but it can at least grimace its crying.--Consequently only unusual characters and feelings can be brought out in this key.Ab MajorKey of the grave. Death, grave, putrefaction, judgment, eternity lie in its radius.LOLWUTboth of those keys are greatB? MajorCheerful love, clear conscience, hope aspiration for a better tf is B Flat Major cheerful and A flat has to do with the grave?? D Flat Major and A Flat are two of the prettiest keyshow is this collegiate level interpretation? thanks for joining me today ]
3/11/2025 11:44:21 AM
What's you instrument of choice, BB?
3/11/2025 8:58:09 PM
The meat flute
3/11/2025 9:43:38 PM
I like piano stuff idk, I'm not all that passionate about anything lately though
3/12/2025 3:21:12 PM
Corroded trombone
3/12/2025 5:49:04 PM
[user]bubblebobble[code], lets lay down a track. You tickle the ivories, and I'll lay down a bass line. Hell, I'll give it a beat too.Let's do a D major, I IV V IThrow something down that I can import into my DAWAnd a 1, and a 2, and a you know what to do...
3/14/2025 11:14:07 PM
ah I'm not confident enough in my abilities to do that, but thanks for offering
3/15/2025 5:19:53 PM
3/15/2025 7:23:17 PM
Got 'em!
3/15/2025 7:48:36 PM