AirForceBoyArmyAarmybrat1985armymanArmymomarmyranger82armywife17marineannMarineJM4MarineWifenavy_coolmanNavyDoc69navymanNavyNatenavysoccernavytaurusNavyWolftheDuke866Any other service men/women that have served this great nation that I overlooked!!
11/11/2024 11:29:59 AM
11/11/2024 12:28:13 PM
Yeah, I mean that's OK, but what about the Veteran-status posters?
11/11/2024 12:39:58 PM
Attn: 100 posts >= users <= 500 posts?
11/11/2024 1:20:20 PM
11/11/2024 1:22:42 PM
Thanks!And there are a bunch more
11/11/2024 1:50:07 PM
don't forget about theNCState869, who served a short, but very important mission in Biafra in 1968-69
11/11/2024 1:59:55 PM
Tell me more about this mission in Biafra.
11/11/2024 7:05:44 PM
^So glad you asked. Lemme help you out, Bubs.
11/11/2024 7:19:08 PM
11/11/2024 7:21:45 PM
Thank you for fighting for this stupid-ass country.
11/11/2024 8:20:38 PM
sounds like a bunch of losers and suckers to me
11/12/2024 7:20:36 PM