I have a master's degree but I kind of want another one. An MBA seems like something I could use to have clout with business bros and make companies better. Am I totally wrong about that?Also, is it dumb to get another degree? My company would reimburse tuition.
4/14/2023 5:13:34 PM
It's only worth it IMO if you go to a top school and go through recruitment.And that's a full time two year program which will cost at least 100k and your job probably wouldn't reimburse that much and you probably wouldn't want to stay at your company anyway.I guess some people do it to check a box if someone wants them to have an MBA for something in which case you can get one from a local college for a lot cheaper. I don't think those programs are nearly as valuable though and the business bros probably won't respect it as much.
4/14/2023 6:18:16 PM
Focus on learning about personal finance for free instead. It will be more valuable and a better use of your time than another degree.]
4/14/2023 7:01:24 PM
I'm already a manager in my org and want to advance so I don't need a foot in the door. I'm just trying to figure out what additional value I can add to help my org and move myself forward.I'm honestly more interested in managerial and leadership theory and organizational behavior than I am in finance. I'm a big fan of Deming, the OKR methodology, and agile approaches to work. Re: certifications, I do already have Certified Scrum Master, Certified Product Owner, and Leading SAFe SA 4.5. I'm not particularly interested in pursuing more formal PM certs as I work closely with a PM org internally.
4/15/2023 12:49:10 PM
man, this is Chit Chat
4/15/2023 2:08:52 PM
I'm talking about personal finance to benefit yourself, not corporate or business finance to benefit your organization. Perhaps your goals are more selfless than I understood.
4/15/2023 2:43:43 PM
Yeah I don't really care about my personal finances. They're in pretty good order. I just want to be of service to my work community by advocating for what I see as humane ways of working. So I want to accumulate enough clout that people take me seriously. One of my colleagues suggested I write a book instead of expanding my collection of degrees.
4/16/2023 11:34:29 AM
I hope to write a book some day without publishing it so that someday a great great great great great grandkid discovers it and is like yo cool I have something for show and tell
4/16/2023 12:21:19 PM
I'm just leaving a full transcript of my Wolf Web posts.
4/16/2023 1:52:29 PM
I wrote a book a little over a year ago, now I've got clout coming out the yin yang
4/19/2023 9:00:46 PM