Anyone else excited about this show? Started last night. Great cast. Looks to have wonderful potential.
3/27/2018 11:12:31 AM
I'm just gonna guess they run out of supplies and turn to cannibalism, abandon their ships, and eventually everyone diesand then some Indians talk about what they saw when ran across them ]
3/27/2018 3:39:01 PM
I'm a fan of this show, first three episodes have been great
4/9/2018 9:02:01 PM
Read the book although don't remember it super well. Aside from ice visuals, didn't seem super tv show worthy That said, watched the first double ep and enjoyed. Is this a miniseries or a longer show?
4/9/2018 11:15:05 PM
definitely seems to be picking up - good show so far.
4/10/2018 8:57:23 AM
^^By all indication it is a show, not a mini-series. However I do not know how they could maintain the storyline for more than 2-3 seasons. I feel like a limited series would fit this perfectly (2-3 seasons of 10 episodes)
4/10/2018 9:54:09 AM
***HISTORICAL SPOILERS***This show is good but I can't imagine what they'd do if it went into multiple seasons. They all die. We knew that from the beginning (when the rescue mission comes looking for them and talks to eskimos that say they could barely stand when they started walking south (toward a Hudson Bay Company outpost) but also from the real history. They don't discover the Northwest Passage until much later. The show is about the breakdown of discipline/humanity as they start to realize they're going to die, run out of food, etc. and then they throw in the super bear as another more tangible enemy. I think it's going to be cool and I'll keep watching but I just don't see how they can stretch this out that far. Looks like it's also losing viewership
4/10/2018 2:52:57 PM
I fucking love this show.
4/16/2018 6:51:14 PM
^^Yea we said that 4 posts ago
4/16/2018 10:59:57 PM
Anyone still on board with this one?The wife and I caved and had to turn on closed captions to figure out what the hell they are saying half the time. Besides that, I'm still intrigued
5/2/2018 7:34:31 PM
I love it.For better or worse, it would appear that this is just a mini-series. 3 episodes left.
5/3/2018 8:37:04 AM
I'm loving it. Although, the didn't really look like a polar bear
5/5/2018 9:38:04 AM
its not a bear.
5/5/2018 6:32:23 PM
RIP...a lot of crew members.Only one episode left
5/15/2018 4:15:30 PM
^^ Clearly. what the hell is it?
5/16/2018 11:42:12 PM
It's the tuunbaq
5/17/2018 8:41:19 AM
5/17/2018 10:54:31 PM