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Flyin Ryan
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Nasser's in jail for a very long time, good.

The Michigan Attorney General are investigating Michigan State University including the former dean, current dean, and have subpoena'd university HR records.

The United States Olympic Committee today called for the entire board of USA Gymnastics to resign.

I'm kind of reminded of the Penn State deal and how these independent organizations - be they universities, the football team, national non-profit athletic unions, etc. - are ivory towers where the law can be impenetrable.

Latest article from the Lansing State Journal:

1/29/2018 8:59:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Report: NCAA president Mark Emmert was told about Michigan State sexual assault issues in 2010....The letter, reportedly sent to Emmert in 2010, about six months after he took over at the NCAA, says: "In the past two years alone, 37 reports of sexual assault by MSU athletes have been reported, but not one disciplinary sanction was imposed by school officials against any of the men involved.""

Hell the head of the NCAA knew about a the amount reported assaults with no punishments back in 2010...

[Edited on January 29, 2018 at 11:41 PM. Reason : ...]

1/29/2018 11:38:58 PM

All American
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I don't see Izzo or Dantonio, for sure, surviving this.

Also, this guy would finger his patients that came in for sports injuries. What. The. Fuck? Burn him at the stake.

1/29/2018 11:47:06 PM

Not an alcoholic
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Yeah I was kinda wondering how he had assaulted the women but I didn't really want to look too deep into it. I was hoping it was just some inappropriate touching

1/30/2018 7:13:22 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Yeah, there's zero chance Dantonio has a job after this. Not sure about Izzo yet but he's probably gone as well. It seems MSU allowed their coaches to handle sexual assault cases involving their players and Dantonio "punished" one of his players accused of rape by making him call his mom. That's umm not good, Bob.

1/30/2018 7:39:55 AM

Flyin Ryan
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To be serious in talking potential systemic reform, what good comes from universities running their own "police"? Be it athletics scandals, rape, crime, etc., there's always this unstated conflict of interest of they don't want the university to look bad.

1/30/2018 9:02:28 AM

All American
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I'm a bit shocked at the lack of mainstream media coverage of the Nasser/USA Gymnastic abuse scandal. It's the worst sexual abuse scandal in the history of sports (for the US at least). So unbelievably bad

1/30/2018 11:56:54 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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IDK I don't even watch the news and stuff and I know about it. I had no idea about the government shutdown until it was in it's second day, so that shows how in touch I am.

1/30/2018 12:02:40 PM

Flyin Ryan
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^^ Seems to have picked up after Nasser was sentenced.

It was on the national news one night last week.

1/30/2018 12:16:47 PM

2953 Posts
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not worse than penn state. or is it?

1/30/2018 12:18:56 PM

All American
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way worse than Penn St

1/30/2018 12:29:00 PM

All American
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Serious question, i haven't followed too closely, why is it way worse? Because of all the apparent complicity?

1/30/2018 12:45:30 PM

11097 Posts
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I haven't followed it too closely but I think that^ and way more victims. He also had child porn and was convicted for that in a separate trial.

[Edited on January 30, 2018 at 1:44 PM. Reason : .]

1/30/2018 1:27:36 PM

All American
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the parents of the gymnasts were required to sign a waiver that gave Nasar full access, 24/7 to their hotel rooms while on the road

that’s just one of many, many horrendous details from the trial

1/30/2018 1:58:32 PM

Flyin Ryan
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^ I am a licensed referee with USA Rugby and when I renewed my license for this rugby year I was required to take the USOC-developed "Safe Sport" certification as part of USA Rugby's compliance with Title IX. It's a good hour going through watching all these videos, then taking quizzes, but they take you through the whole path of these guys, how they gain trust, isolate individuals, and eventually assault them.

It's worse than Penn State in my opinion because that was Penn State and...State College, Pennsylvania. This is a doctor, a state university, a national athletics organization, a lot of other coaches at the university and in the athletic sport.

[Edited on January 30, 2018 at 8:24 PM. Reason : /]

1/30/2018 8:18:35 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Yeah Penn State was a bunch of old men covering for another old man. Not taking away from the horrendous things Sandusky did, but this Nasser thing is much, much bigger. It's not only exposed the awful way Michigan State University allowed it's athletic department to handle sexual abuse/assault allegations, it's also blown the lid off the entire US gymnastics program. Penn State seemed more to be more just keeping quiet about Sandusky to keep Joe Paterno happy (which is still fucking godawful) than ignoring/sweeping under the rug every incidence of sexual violence within the athletic department.

But yeah, elite amateur athletics are ripe for child predators with the amount of control parents let these coaches/trainers/teams have over their children.

1/30/2018 9:39:13 PM

Flyin Ryan
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For the gymnastics angle, caught up in the crossfire/now disgraced are John Geddart, who was the coach of the 2012 U.S. women's Olympic gold medal-winning team, and the Karolyis, whose ranch in Texas that acted as the national Olympic training center is now under investigation by the state.

1/30/2018 10:02:06 PM

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One of the dads tried to attack him in court today. The officers should have 'tripped' on their way to stop him.

[Edited on February 2, 2018 at 11:08 AM. Reason : .]

2/2/2018 11:08:29 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Eh, Nasser is already going to rot in jail for the rest of his life/get shanked for being a diddler. If this dude would have laid a finger on him he'd be in prison as well. I can't imagine the rage that guy feels, but is it really worth a prison term to punch a guy in the face/nuts a few times?

2/2/2018 1:53:25 PM

All American
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Full video here, until he is led out in cuffs:

BTW, the judge is not going to punish him

[Edited on February 2, 2018 at 7:39 PM. Reason : ]

2/2/2018 7:39:00 PM

2953 Posts
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i can't believe he disrespected the flag tho

[Edited on February 2, 2018 at 10:10 PM. Reason : smh]

2/2/2018 10:10:35 PM

All American
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^ how?

2/3/2018 2:43:35 PM

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^That was a joke but if you're looking for a soap box, heres one.

He should be lunging at all of the administrators who enabled this guy. The judge said "its clear you cannot be rehabbed"? How do we know? no one ever turned him in and the numbers being so high are the faults of all the adults involved in his access to young girls. This society loves retribution and doesn't believe in rehab. I can't wait to see what kind of slap in the wrist the admins get.

[Edited on February 3, 2018 at 5:53 PM. Reason : keep em honest]

2/3/2018 5:52:18 PM

All American
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^ Agreed.

The Weinstein case and the Nassar case has made on thing clear to me:

Many "normal, regular, decent, American family men and women" turn a blind eye to powerful and rich men (or teenagers and young men, in the case of HS/college student-athletes) assaulting and raping America's own daughters.

In fact, they do more than just turn a blind eye to it, they enable these monsters and even shield them from being scrutinized and prosecuted, and many then even blame and excoriate the victims!

These are not one-off cases either, this repulsiveness keeps happening again and again.

But let's go level some poor Middle Eastern country because they oppress their women and children, to teach them a lesson!!!

2/3/2018 8:12:42 PM

 Message Boards » Sports Talk » the Nasser/Michigan State/USA Gymnastics Scandal Page [1]  
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