In my recent move, my laptop was damaged and i'm looking for help to fix it. The 'q' key got stuck down, and now I can't log into it (it just types q repeatedly at the password screen). I've popped off the key itself, but that doesn't seem to fix it. I tried plugging in a USB keyboard, which it reads, but it doesn't deactivate the built-in keyboard. Any suggestions?
11/17/2017 4:12:10 PM
I have a blow torch, if that's what you're askin'
11/17/2017 6:20:32 PM
There are a ton of youtube videos on how to fix these. Find one that matches your switch design.
11/17/2017 6:23:28 PM
Get a replacement keyboard off eBay for $vermont. #profit
11/17/2017 9:22:17 PM