Sometimes, I'll have to write a little script file for a program. I use UltraEdit for these (and I really don't want to hear about it).In UltraEdit, I use the Slate theme. It features white text on a very, very dark background, #161616.After I make my changes and save, I check the file into our version control system. The VCS marks my local copy read-only.Now, here comes the part I like. When I switch focus back to UltraEdit, it notifies me that the file on disk has changed and asks if I'd like to reload it. After it reloads, the read-only background color from the theme get applied. The color goes from #161616 to #251B07, which is still a fairly dark color, but it's much more saturated with orange. The lock icon appears in the tab for the file to let me know it's read-only as well. This has the effect of making me feel very accomplished. It's like UltraEdit is saying, "You've done it again, FroshKiller!"
5/23/2017 12:49:17 PM
I always enjoy story time with Uncle FroshKiller
5/23/2017 2:24:12 PM
Back to the top.
2/8/2018 1:50:49 PM
2/8/2018 3:11:22 PM
this looks like a tech talk thread. move this shit
2/8/2018 3:46:12 PM
Get fucked!
2/8/2018 7:34:16 PM