I don't remember celebrating the 100th day of school.What's next? "Congrats, kids, you made it through another week!"
2/8/2017 2:02:48 PM
cool context bro
2/8/2017 2:10:18 PM
no. we celebrated the 180th day.
2/8/2017 2:36:09 PM
Cool story dad
2/8/2017 2:38:12 PM
yes, we're all pussies for celebrating things. why do we even celebrate birthdays? such a pussy ass thing to do. "congrats, you made it through another year!". FOH mane. Back in the good ol' days, we'd only celebrate bicentennials. That was when men were men....
2/8/2017 3:28:34 PM
Birthdays? We only celebrate the day we die.
2/8/2017 3:39:48 PM
My teammate was just telling me about doing this. It's whatever. We had "Field Day" for no good reason when I was in school, so why not? Let a little kid have some fun and do a project, God damn. Shut up and put the dick back in your mouth.
2/8/2017 3:40:42 PM
we did. We had a song and everything...
2/8/2017 4:17:41 PM
It's good to have you back on TWW, FroshKiller!
2/8/2017 4:51:05 PM
pretty sure i remember in elementary school we "celebrated" the 100th day. i mean...it was elementary school so it's not like we skipped some super important lesson in order to make time for the celebration. so what's the big deal? kids like celebrating things...teachers probably wanna mix things up and find things to get excited about. seems totally fine and normal to me
2/8/2017 5:15:35 PM
Trying to obscure Valentine's day
2/8/2017 5:23:54 PM
i remember bringing in 100 of something on the 100th day. it was some counting lesson i guess. one girl brought 100 grains of rice, which i thought was kinda cool.
2/8/2017 6:22:45 PM
2/9/2017 7:50:21 PM