Hey gang,car buying noob here, coasted on beaters in HS, college and into early adulthood. head gasket blew on my 98 civic and am looking to make my first real purchase. overwhelmed by all the bullshit out there and would appreciate the aid of my tww brethren. Any and all input would be appreciated -- what dealers in the area would you recommend? The particulars:
8/23/2016 7:20:07 PM
Kia Soul, any civic, Camry, cry, or newer Mazda. If I'm reading that right, you are looking for an appliance car, and don't have real specifics.
8/23/2016 7:27:04 PM
yeah pretty much. I have no dream cars or anything like that, I'd just like something reliable with some decent modern amenities.
8/23/2016 7:28:53 PM
So you're gonna need some size for hauling 4 + a weekend's worth of gear...CX5/9? CRV?
8/23/2016 9:05:33 PM
first 3 bullet points: mazda 3 wagon4th bullet point: toyota sienna
8/25/2016 2:11:46 PM