U jelly coworkers?
5/12/2016 1:01:53 PM
you probably piss on the toilet seat too you animal
5/12/2016 1:05:02 PM
you just put a goldfish in there still swimming or what
5/12/2016 1:08:33 PM
you probably use 4 machines ’at once' when at the gym too you animal
5/12/2016 1:08:49 PM
what's on the menu tomorrow? onion and broccoli soup?
5/12/2016 1:23:48 PM
5/12/2016 1:33:25 PM
had a coworker that would make popcorn, without fail, every day. he would also burn said popcorn, without fail, every day.
5/12/2016 4:54:03 PM