trump ftw jkbut you know I'm sure we'll be seeing hashtags of this nature and stuff if he does win :333333
3/18/2016 3:04:47 PM
3/18/2016 3:07:11 PM
trump sat alone *fill in the lyrics here* totally emotionless except for his heart?sorry I haven't heard that in 15 or more years so I forgot the words
3/18/2016 3:08:38 PM
3/20/2016 12:33:53 AM
3/20/2016 9:25:08 AM
3/20/2016 9:25:55 AM
I want someone to make a trump parody of that black eyed peas song my humps.
3/20/2016 3:54:06 PM
we get trump, stay trump at the clubshoulda bought an ounce but you copped a dub
3/20/2016 4:42:53 PM
my trump, my trump, my lovely lady trump
3/20/2016 6:50:03 PM