I've read reviews online but I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with good running headphones. Looking for something under $100.
3/14/2016 10:59:40 AM
I really enjoy running with these:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G6H5N7Qvery lightweight. not noise cancelling, so i'm not sure how isolated you want your headphones to be, but I figured for safety reasons I should be able to hear some sounds around me while i'm running.
3/14/2016 11:02:06 AM
Yea I don't care for noise cancelling because I run around the neighborhood and want to hear if I'm being chased by a rabid dog.
3/14/2016 11:14:18 AM
I have these - http://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Headphones-TaoTronics-Cancelling-Sweatproof/dp/B014OVP09Q/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1457972515&sr=8-2&keywords=taotronics+bluetooth+headphoneswaiting on the bragi dash to exist
3/14/2016 12:22:36 PM