The coax connector on my LCD TV just fell off. It's probably a combination of it being a cheap Changhong and me tightening the antenna too much. Anyway, it works except that now it won't get OTA channels for the obvious reason that it can't use an antenna.Suggestions of someone around Raleigh who can solder it back together?
2/4/2016 2:02:18 PM / fregac
2/4/2016 2:18:55 PM
Thanks! I'll give them a call.
2/4/2016 2:38:50 PM
also you can get an HDMI tuner for $30-$40, so if it costs too much to repair you can do that
2/4/2016 3:03:38 PM
I was wondering if those existed. I briefly searched Google and didn't turn up anything that cheap. Do you have any suggestions? Would it be something like the SiliconDust HDHomeRun units?
2/4/2016 3:41:30 PM the menu will be fairly slow, if you can fix your tv it will probably be a better experience
2/4/2016 3:54:45 PM
Thank you for the link! I would prefer to fix the TV, too, but may end up doing as you suggest.
2/4/2016 4:13:38 PM
Ha, I called Undead Electronics last week about repairing my D-VHS deck. Guy suggested I would be better off finding one at a used electronics store for about $20 or so. After clarifying that I was talking about a D-VHS player, not a standard VHS machine, he reiterated this thought. Sorry, offtopic, I just found it odd that he had no clue what I was talking about.
2/5/2016 2:57:08 PM
I had to google what D-VHS was.
2/8/2016 5:33:11 PM
2/8/2016 6:03:19 PM
Wow 1080p w/ DTS on a VHS tape?!?! That's so cool.
2/9/2016 9:24:15 AM
whats the digital video version of a hipster?
2/9/2016 9:36:19 AM
A Zoetrope. Well not digital but totally hipster video.
2/9/2016 10:10:14 AM