Any entrepreneurs in the crowd?What do you do? How's it going? Full time or part time?Thinking of starting a gig on the side and see where it goes.
1/30/2016 9:38:01 PM
I guest sort of. Own a rental property and am in the process of forming an LLC for liability purposes. That is kind of small time though. A buddy of mine is more aggressive. Started a search fund back in June. He and a partner are currently looking to buy a company with revenue in the $5 mil to $30 mil range based on the initial capital they were able to raise. I'm interested to see how they negotiate pay with their investors once they find a company to buy.
2/23/2016 10:40:07 AM
Consider myself more a small business owner than an entrepreneur...but whatever.Single attorney in my own law firm. One of three partners in a small restaurant, in the process of opening up a second location. Was very close to purchasing a small wedding event company with a friend last year, but he left his firm, his wife got pregnant with his second kid, and he upgraded houses all within a he backed out.Always looking for other ventures to diversify my income. I'm somewhat spread thin and limited in my funds right now, but hopefully that will change in the next couple years. Would like to get into investment properties, but the market is flooded with those people right now and you just need extremely large amounts of cash. Would like to expand in the food and beverage industry as well...just being very picky at the moment.
2/24/2016 9:38:10 AM
some more discussion here: message_topic.aspx?topic=642658
2/24/2016 9:54:06 AM