Here we go again 8.3 off the co as tTsunami?
9/16/2015 8:00:15 PM
I just got a Tsunami alert notice here in Hawaii. They're currently tracking to see if we're in any danger.
9/16/2015 8:02:14 PM
^ which means something is gonna happen. Not sure how bad though. Highest in Chile was either 10 or 15 feet (depending on which alert msg you read. Theres also been several 5 and 6 aftershocks.
9/16/2015 10:09:40 PM
An advisory is below a warning. It was 3ft in Hilo and much less in most places.
9/17/2015 12:32:15 PM
Looks like disaster planning and a quick response has minimized deaths in Chile. One area apparently had a 16 ft wave, but they were able to evacuate around a million people out of the area before it hit.
9/17/2015 12:36:05 PM
9/17/2015 4:03:43 PM
Yeah, big fat lot of nothing here. I work in Hilo, live just south of it, and right at 1 mile from the ocean, didn't notice anything.
9/17/2015 6:09:51 PM