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 Message Boards » » What dishonest things do you do, or have done? Page [1] 2 3, Next  
play so hard
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If you want to PM them to me anonymous confession style I'll post them.

4/9/2015 6:39:03 PM

All American
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Why don't you start?

* I 'steal' "Sugar In The Raw" packets from the café in my academic building to use at home in my tea so that I don't have to buy sugar.

* I also 'steal' paper towels/paper napkins to use at home; have not bought a tissue box, napkins, or a paper towel roll for a very long time.

That's what I currently do. Have done? Ummm... no, don't want to say.

4/9/2015 6:54:02 PM

All American
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I think he's talking about big lies.

4/9/2015 7:01:58 PM

All American
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If anybody has cheated at college, cheated on a partner, given or received bribes, been dishonest at work or in business, I doubt anybody would post it here. Send them to synapse so he can mine your secrets to use against you in the future? Ummm yeah, [NO].

4/9/2015 7:07:02 PM

All American
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So this is just like the confessions in Chit Chat then?

4/9/2015 7:13:46 PM

play so hard
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^ Dealing strictly with dishonest items, that people directly post instead of PMing, and it's in the lounge where it can't be shat on, but yeah, exact same thing

Quote :
"Send them to synapse so he can mine your secrets to use against you in the future? Ummm yeah, [NO]."

was planning on a google doc for that

^^^ naw that's the right kind of stuff...not necessarily lies. looking more for actions

[Edited on April 9, 2015 at 7:24 PM. Reason : ]

4/9/2015 7:17:23 PM

All American
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This was at my first job...

A guy used shared printer to print USMLE which is hundreds of pages and so the job was backed up and he pissed everyone off. I took my anger out on him by shuffling the pages on the tray. I think he was going to sell those online, because career wise, he was definitely beyond USMLE prep.

4/9/2015 7:25:32 PM

play so hard
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I know of someone who, when electronic shit would break, would buy a new one from best buy, then return the broken shit for a refund, for example.

Just today my gf's fish died so I went out about bought one that lookeds just like like so she wouldn't notice and be super sad. That's kind of dishonest, right?

[Edited on April 9, 2015 at 7:50 PM. Reason : VV my gf does the same ]

4/9/2015 7:28:30 PM

All American
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I'm buying a house and a girl i work with is looking for a roommate. I told her that she can't live with me because of her cats. It has nothing to do with her cats.

4/9/2015 7:34:29 PM

All American
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I never buy expensive care products at Sephora. I will ask for a sample each time. for things like concentrated serum, a little goes a long way.

4/9/2015 7:37:49 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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While in college, would routinely drink a chocolate milk and eat a bag of beef jerky (because they go perfectly together ) at Walmart without paying.


4/9/2015 8:09:19 PM

All American
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Right when we left Afghanistan, I left an upper decker in one of the few porcelain toilets at that base. It was absolutely funny as hell.

4/9/2015 8:13:12 PM

All American
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when I was in college in the late 90's, i would post personal ads using fake pictures of girls and when the guys would respond, i would chat a little bit with them on my fake AOL account, and then direct them to, and i'd get half of the subscription fee for the referral. (I eventually made a very primitive website to automate the process.)

oh, and i'd also send them to alladvantage... if anyone remembers that (they paid you money for "watching ads" on your computer and also a certain amount for the time your referrals watched ads... of course i would just put the ad toolbar on the screen overnight, and had a program that automatically wiggled the mouse so the system wouldn't go idle and it tricked the toolbar into thinking i was actively watching it)

[Edited on April 9, 2015 at 8:18 PM. Reason : ]

4/9/2015 8:15:38 PM

All American
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i keep unsuspending myself from tww in sheer defiance of the mods

4/10/2015 6:44:55 AM

All American
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Ha, I remember AllAdvantage! I did the same thing with the fake mouse cursor move thing. I had like four other ad bar things going at the same time. I only ever actually got paid from maybe two of them though, all of the others went out of business.

4/10/2015 2:46:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I also 'steal' paper towels"

not sure why you put that in quotes.

4/10/2015 7:41:58 PM

All American
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Because it is not the same as breaking into the custodian's closet and stealing them, or worse, from a shop. I take them from the dispenser in the restroom, I just take a lot more than what I need at the moment.

4/10/2015 8:09:09 PM

All American
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...that is stealing.

4/10/2015 9:19:25 PM

All American
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Definitely stealing.

4/11/2015 8:23:24 AM

18598 Posts
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hey 0EP

4/11/2015 11:25:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ha, I remember AllAdvantage! I did the same thing with the fake mouse cursor move thing. I had like four other ad bar things going at the same time. I only ever actually got paid from maybe two of them though, all of the others went out of business."

yeah i do seem to remember some of the other clones... i don't think i ever had much success with them.
at the peak of the "operation," my roommate and I were both consistently making like 3-4 hundred bucks a month. not a ton, but it was good beer money for very little effort. In fact, i was "under" my roommate since he was the one who told me about it, and i think he made close to a thousand bucks one month.

4/11/2015 1:36:08 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Because it is not the same as breaking into the custodian's closet and stealing them, or worse, from a shop. I take them from the dispenser in the restroom, I just take a lot more than what I need at the moment."

Lol just because it's not breaking and entering doesn't mean it's not stealing.

4/11/2015 3:14:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I also 'steal' paper towels/paper napkins to use at home; have not bought a tissue box, napkins, or a paper towel roll for a very long time"

Don't know how I missed this the first time around. Do you live paycheck to paycheck?? Are you on welfare? Do you receive food stamps?? Because that's the only reason you should even consider some petty, thieving shit like this. Do you purchase/own any of the watches that you post about in The Lounge? Because if so, and you do shit like this, then you have some issues...and basically you're a piece of shit.

4/11/2015 3:41:31 PM

All American
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^ oooooooh... you sure told me! i am scared now

[Edited on April 11, 2015 at 3:44 PM. Reason : we can't all be cool like you and wear $1k suits]

4/11/2015 3:43:05 PM

All American
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Do you also unroll a bunch of toilet paper so you can tak that home as well?

4/11/2015 3:49:25 PM

All American
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^ no i don't do that, but i do STEAL sugar packets from cafes, so why don't y'all rant about that too? i mean, i already mentioned it at the same time as the napkins, so why are y'all slacking off with the sugar?

4/11/2015 3:59:27 PM

All American
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They're both the same...just stealing paper towels/toilet paper is more pathetic.

You do realize that you are stealing right?? You do realize that you buy expensive watches yet you won't buy common goods?? I think there is a deeper meaning to all of this, but I don't have the medical background to diagnosis I'll just call you pathetic.

4/11/2015 4:02:31 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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First off, "stealing" so many paper products that you don't have to buy paper products is definitely stealing.

My things are:

1. I tell innocuous lies all the time. I'll say I was at the mall instead of the gym...or at the gym instead of the bar...or grocery shopping instead of working...or sleeping instead of working. It's not to make myself look "good." I just don't like people in my business.

2. I show up drunk to drinking places. Four beers on my tab = 9 + the 3 I drank on the phone with my friend and/or sister in the parking lot. And, for anyone who doesn't know me or work in a bar, it's a big fucking mystery how I'm drunk on four beers.

4/11/2015 4:02:37 PM

All American
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look at all the self-righteous jerks --actually, just one -- up in here who i am sure have done far worse things in life, chastising me and calling me names for stealing paper towels, all the while ignoring the poster who confessed to eating expensive food in walmart regularly for years without paying.

4/11/2015 4:40:33 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Relax, homey. Everything's gonna be okay.

4/11/2015 6:41:33 PM

All American
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4/11/2015 7:48:48 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"all the while ignoring the poster who confessed to eating expensive food in walmart regularly for years without paying."

I don't know how that's any worse than stealing paper products from work. They're both illegal, in this country at least. You're both stealing, he's just profiting from it more than you are.

4/11/2015 7:58:26 PM

All American
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You will see the difference (in the police's reaction/action) once the restaurant/university/workplace calls the police on me for taking more paper towels than I need (if they would even bother calling the police if they caught me)


Walmart calls the police on someone munching on beef jerky inside the store and not paying for it.

(not saying what I do is not stealing, but it is a different plane than stealing from a shop, and the thought experiment above would confirm that)

4/11/2015 8:12:46 PM

play so hard
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I've seen someone from my workplace get arrested for stealing shit from said workplace.

Quote :
"not saying what I do is not stealing"

I mean you did put it in quotes with your first post

4/11/2015 8:54:50 PM

All American
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Did she dispense too many paper towels from the restroom? Like I said, no one would call the police for that. He must have been taking staplers, packing tape, printer paper reams, etc.

Oh thanks for pointing out that I put it in quotes earlier in the thread... do I need your permission to change my mind/see the light?

This thread is for people to list their dishonest behaviors, not to gang-up on one person (who of course, just by chance, happens to be me, right?) and pretend to be all self-righteous.

4/11/2015 9:09:56 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"This thread is for people to list their dishonest behaviors, not to gang-up on one person (who of course, just by chance, happens to be me, right?) and pretend to be all self-righteous."

So weird, that it's always you, right? As it was then, as it's always been, so it continues. I'd like to think it's habit, but we all know it's much more than that.

But you're right. Lettuce continue.

4/11/2015 9:25:31 PM

All American
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"it's much more than that"

oooh sounds all deep and philosophical... it's nothing more than knee-jerk hate-on-trapezius reactions from small-minded people.

"we all know"?

if so, let's see if slappy1, Beethoven, and skywalkr can give us these reasons "we all know"... because i sure don't know. so please, do enlighten me.

4/11/2015 9:33:03 PM

play so hard
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Like I said, lettuce continue.

What else do you pilfer regurally OEP?

4/11/2015 11:16:51 PM

Sink the Flagship
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I'm not sure if I've paid for my premium subscription in months if not years. who runs this place for real?

4/11/2015 11:31:37 PM

All American
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^^ nothing else. just the 2 items already mentioned.

4/12/2015 12:24:29 AM

All American
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i guess you gave your previous roommate back his dirty underwear?

4/12/2015 12:25:21 AM

All American
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it wasn't my roommate, it wasn't his, it wasn't underwear

know before acting a fool. anyway, wtf does that have to do with this? why don't you tell us how you have been dishonest, for example, by breaking christian commandments while being a christian?

4/12/2015 12:43:51 AM

All American
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but it wasn't yours. (or was it? if so even more )

and i have no idea what the rest of your post is about.

[Edited on April 12, 2015 at 12:51 AM. Reason : ]

4/12/2015 12:46:24 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Holy shit. Just accept your fate in hell, OEP.

None of us can help you.

4/12/2015 4:10:06 AM

All American
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Quit being so defensive and in denial and you'll stop getting as much shit. You judge the fuck out of a lot of shit on this site (posters and the outside world)...then you out yourself as a little thief and you're taken aback by the criticism?? C'mon man.

4/12/2015 9:35:36 AM

All American
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i work in the service industry, so about everyday i have to tell customers creative reasons why that happened rather than the real reason, many of my coworkers are dumb/lazy

4/12/2015 10:11:02 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"it wasn't my roommate, it wasn't his, it wasn't underwear"

Way to be dishonest in the dishonesty thread! Are you denying you sniffed another mans boxers?

Quote :
"Quit being so defensive and in denial and you'll stop getting as much shit"

Honest advice ITT. Try to let that sink in Trap.

4/12/2015 2:17:56 PM

All American
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I am not being dishonest. If you have the memory of a fish, don't blame me. What I stated is true, but you are imputing things I did not say or imply. Go learn some logic. I also suggest you grow up a bit and stop stalking me.

Is this what you wanted this thread for? You are ruining your own thread. Even after you said let's continue and I dropped the issue, you and your bf keep beating a dead horse.

I won't reply anymore to you or your bf ITT.

P.S. There is a fetish thread in CC, you should post there about your fetish - stalking me, lying about me, and bad mouthing me.

4/12/2015 2:39:05 PM

play so hard
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Or don't.

[Edited on April 12, 2015 at 2:48 PM. Reason : I'm stalking you in my thread? And I'm the one that needs to learn logic???]

4/12/2015 2:44:30 PM

play so hard
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For anonymous reports:

4/12/2015 2:53:35 PM

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