4/8/2015 8:05:26 PM
4/8/2015 8:07:32 PM
4/8/2015 8:20:56 PM
of course the ass has filed for bankruptcy... former tenants will get pennies on the dollar i'm sure. (but even so a point has been made in the right direction for these skeeze buckets who rip off people they don't think will fight back)
4/8/2015 9:53:37 PM
Should have properly maintained records so the stealing was documented properly.Also you don't have to be rich to be a landlord. You can be upside down as shit. And if you're pocketing deposits in a personal account you're probably not savvy to the real estate game and probably upside down anyway.Investigation likely precipitated by the bank seeking rental proceeds from a foreclosure sale anyway. Going to lose the rental property in a bankruptcy anyway.
4/9/2015 12:42:27 AM