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All American
23091 Posts
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Instead of creating a thread for each candidate that declares, why don't we just keep them all in one thread where we can compare, contrast, and bash said candidates.

3/24/2015 3:03:22 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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I'm in for the making fun of said candidates

[Edited on March 24, 2015 at 3:12 PM. Reason : saps is too]

3/24/2015 3:12:23 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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it begins

[Edited on March 24, 2015 at 3:44 PM. Reason : h/t to saps]

3/24/2015 3:44:32 PM

All American
23091 Posts
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My last post from the Ted Cruz thread:

Quote :
"So I felt like Romney was a pretty decent candidate. He lost because conservative Christians didn't get out and vote.

The next middle-of-the-road Republican candidate is going to lose for the same reason. The conservative Christians are going to be pissed that Cruz or Huckabee didn't get the nomination, and they are going to stay home.

Of course it doesn't look like we even have a decent middle-of-the-road candidate this time around.

Cruz will be the rallying point for talking heads. Hannity, Beck and Rush honestly believe that people will get out and vote for a candidate that is truly "conservative." They've filled Cruz's head with this shit, and Cruz really believes he's got a shot."

3/24/2015 3:56:25 PM

All American
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How about the other minorities? Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson

3/25/2015 11:19:28 AM

All American
34517 Posts
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Romney lost because of the 47% thing, that was the nail in his coffin:

3/25/2015 12:05:48 PM

All American
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Bobby Jindal isn't going to run this time around.

I wouldn't cast a vote for Ben Carson for the same reason Barack Obama should have never been elected as president. He has absolutely no experience running anything except an OR. I have no doubt that he's a brilliant guy, but come on, at least run for senate and serve a little while before putting your name in the hat for the highest office in the country. Plus he is extremely soft-spoken and monotonic...if that is a word.

For senators, I think no prior government experience might be a good thing, but by the time you run for president, you should have working knowledge of our government.

[Edited on March 25, 2015 at 12:11 PM. Reason : adfa]

3/25/2015 12:10:44 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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Quote :
"I have no doubt that he's a brilliant guy"

having heard him speak, I have all of the doubt in the world. he may be a brilliant surgeon, but that doesn't make him smart

Quote :
"For senators, I think no prior government experience might be a good thing, but by the time you run for president, you should have working knowledge of our government."

what does this even mean?

3/25/2015 12:22:37 PM

All American
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He seems like a decent person, speaking decent English.

Quote :
"Asked why he would be a better candidate than Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Jindal demurred, noting that he has long said he wants the Republican nominee to be a reform-minded conservative governor.

Read more:"

[Edited on March 25, 2015 at 12:57 PM. Reason : ;]

3/25/2015 12:41:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"having heard him speak, I have all of the doubt in the world. he may be a brilliant surgeon, but that doesn't make him smart

I think he's smart, and a kind, caring person, he's just a religious conservative that believes gov. should "encourage" people to follow religious ideals. Definitely not the kind of person we need.

3/25/2015 2:29:59 PM

All American
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You only need white person, right?

3/25/2015 3:55:01 PM

All American
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I'm calling scott walker as the gop nom.

3/27/2015 1:16:45 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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It seems a very likely outcome. There's still a lot of time though, give him a chance to fuck it up and somehow give us the Jeb vs. Hill election that everyone will hate.

3/27/2015 5:04:59 AM

All American
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But is Scott Walker a bankable candidate? Conservative talking heads claim he's turned his state around. The leftists, at least here, claim he's destroyed the state's budget.

And OMG, he doesn't have a college degree!

3/27/2015 9:41:46 AM

26632 Posts
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Scott Walker is the best candidate; he's proven that he can win a purple state (even with a pretty serious crisis) and his biggest flaw (how terribly his budget has hurt his state) is something that Republicans don't care about

3/27/2015 9:42:58 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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^^ Right. He doesn't even have a BE. That's embarrassing for the new king of the world.

And the new first lady??

[Edited on March 27, 2015 at 11:07 AM. Reason : ;]

3/27/2015 11:01:49 AM

All American
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By far the worst part about Walker is that 6 of his former appointees or close aides from his time as mayor of Milwaukee have been convicted of felonies or took plea deals. That's not exactly a gold star for his leadership ability IMO.

When the MSM's "Eye of Sauron" turns to those records which were released (and possibly the records from the second John Doe investigation which is still ongoing, so records are currently sealed), ya gotta believe it's going to be a trainwreck, especially when you consider that Walker hasn't really shown he's all that great with off the cuff remarks. Why this hasn't happened yet is beyond me.

3/27/2015 11:12:36 AM

All American
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Scott walker told a private dinner he supports amnesty, but it's not clear if he's standing by this yet.

3/27/2015 12:38:27 PM

All American
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Only a realistic candidate would support it.

You can't just deport all those people. Where, with all of the other budget shortfalls, would DHS get the money for the deportations. The Republicans need a candidate who will support a path to citizenship, while at the same time attempting to really secure the border.

And I was sarcastic about Walker's degree. In my opinion the Ivy leaguers haven't done shit for us. What good does their degree do me?

3/27/2015 1:02:11 PM

All American
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He could complete an MPA online before taking office.

It would give him an advantage over Obama at least.


3/27/2015 1:59:01 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Rand Paul is better maybe.

3/27/2015 2:07:31 PM

All American
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Rand Paul flip flops.


3/27/2015 2:34:02 PM

All American
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Rubio is in

4/13/2015 12:09:37 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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So Scott Walkers budget will propose to cut $300 million from the U of Wisconsin system, but bends over backward to use State Bonds to finance $220 million (nearly half) for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena.

Priorities and leadership!

4/16/2015 8:52:42 PM

All American
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Republicans need new policies, not new candidates. It doesn't matter who you run if they are still going to promote trickle down economics, regressive social policies, and more foreign wars. The problem is formulating a platform that is both forward thinking while adhering to their "principles" is extremely hard. It's the reason why an Obamacare alternative doesn't exist, they all end up looking more or less like the ACA and get scrapped. Even a doofus like Walker could beat Hillary with a sane party platform but they just don't have one right now.

4/17/2015 2:41:52 PM

26632 Posts
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all of the leading democrats like foreign wars and economic policies that favor large companies and the rich too, there isn't much difference

4/17/2015 2:47:57 PM

All American
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That's true. Not MUCH difference. But GOP is more conservative.

4/17/2015 2:52:53 PM

All American
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Yep, not much difference. Only every single substantive policy issue on taxes, federal spending, health care, education, immigration, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, and Russia. But yeah, Hillary voted for a war once so she's exactly the same as Jeb Bush

4/17/2015 3:02:36 PM

All American
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How to deal with agressive rising China (and Russia) will be an important issue I guess.

4/17/2015 3:05:11 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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^ China peaked two years ago and they are already on the way down.

4/18/2015 2:53:22 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Right. They are gonna have financial crisis soon. Also communist party is in declining.

4/20/2015 12:03:10 AM

All American
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I think they just get more and more steady, the so-called "new normal" status.

4/20/2015 10:42:11 AM

3753 Posts
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I will vote for whomever shoot supports

4/20/2015 4:49:31 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Ted Cruz/Marc Rubio

4/20/2015 5:31:26 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Walker is picking up speed.

At this point, i tend to think Walker would beat Hillary...

4/20/2015 6:56:57 PM

All American
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Not until he starts making inroads among independents and moderate dems. He's polling 20+ points behind Hillary head to head, one of the worst among the current crop.

4/20/2015 8:15:38 PM

All American
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^ yeah looks like that may be true.

4/20/2015 8:38:06 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Walker, lol. ok.

4/20/2015 9:19:33 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Man this has got to be the worst field of GOP candidates I've ever seen run. WTF. Maybe 16 straight years out of the White House is what they need to finally destroy the party and remake it.

4/21/2015 6:28:39 AM

All American
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Apparently there is such a thing as a "reformicon"...

4/21/2015 8:26:59 AM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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They're screwing themselves, they all have to try to pretend (or actually be) more conservative than the other candidates to win the primary, however, in doing that, they setting themselves up to lose the general. Meanwhile, Hillary is riding her line which is pretty center, to an easy win

4/21/2015 8:49:22 AM

All American
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Look at what McCain had to do to himself to run in 2008, as well as Romney in 2012. Now we're almost out of moderates who are willing to play Tea Party during the primaries, so the actual loonies are stepping in. Bush figured he could make it through the primaries without debasing himself on name alone, but with the various heavyweights throwing in behind other candidates, it's going to be a slog for him too.

4/21/2015 9:38:01 AM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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I think some group said he was unelectable after he thanked H. Clinton for her service or something like that.

Huntsman, the type of republican I would love to see in office, has said that there is no way he'd run since he saw no path to winning the primaries without compromising his beliefs.

4/21/2015 9:56:58 AM

All American
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^That is ridiculous. Regardless of how much of a thug she is, she did perform an important government function. There's nothing wrong in thanking her for it.

4/21/2015 10:25:18 AM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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Look how many people got pissed at Christie for thanking Obama for the hurricane support. Fox News got upset with him because he didn't want to tour the disaster sites with Romney.

It's sad.

4/21/2015 10:29:16 AM

All American
52920 Posts
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^, ^^ seriously.

...and fuck Christie, but not because of that. That was absolutely the right thing for him to do.

Quote :
"Look at what McCain had to do to himself to run in 2008, as well as Romney in 2012. Now we're almost out of moderates who are willing to play Tea Party during the primaries, so the actual loonies are stepping in."

One of the smartest things you've ever posted in here.

That bar is low, of course, but you could not be more dead-on with that one.

^^^ Yep, Huntsman is my main-most GOP Presidential candidate since maybe McCain version Y2k.

How bad ass would it have been to have a Jon Huntsman/Gary Johnson ticket??! (odds of that are about like winning the Powerball twice, of course).

4/21/2015 6:46:48 PM

All American
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It's a little funny to see how the candidates squirm with the "would you go to a friend's gay wedding" question.

I can't really see even anti-gay conservatives getting upset at a candidate just boldly saying they'd be happy to go to a friend's gay wedding. Hasn't the mantra always been "hate the sin, love the sinner"? Politicians really need to be more "real" more often...

4/21/2015 11:09:15 PM

All American
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Scott walker might be practically done

4/26/2015 10:56:20 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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regarding ^, It always surprises me that a statistical analysis website as reputable as 538 never puts in error bars into their linear regressions. I mean, some of those lines are pretty damn close, and in most cases probably within error.

[Edited on April 26, 2015 at 1:51 PM. Reason : k]

4/26/2015 1:48:36 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Is this ted Cruz douche for real?????

Left racism and Christians being persecuted????

We are in a time where a wave of christian right wing hacks and tea party loonies have or are attempting to legislate christian Shari'a law, reversing 50 years of social liberties progression for the benefit of a small pluarity of bible thumpers in the south and plains states. Yet this nutcase is screaming facism....

Glad I moved to Oregon. Liberals hippy tree hugging douches piss me off too but at least they don't legislate against my civil liberties (maybe against guns) in the name of "religious freedom".

4/27/2015 1:43:25 AM

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