, N.C. — At least three people were killed in an accident at a high-rise building under construction in downtown Raleigh late Monday morning.Details about what happened weren't immediately clear, but witnesses said scaffolding between the 5th and 6th floors of the building's south side collapsed.The construction, at 555 Fayetteville St., is the site of what is to be Charter Square, an 11-story mixed-use building of residential, office and retail space.Further details weren't immediately available.Nearby Lenoir Street, between Salisbury and Wilmington streets, were closed off as emergency crews and investigators respond to the scene.
3/23/2015 12:01:48 PM
Was wondering why Fayetteville was closed down earlier
3/23/2015 1:38:54 PM
right across the street from me (im in BB&T building). One of my officemates saw the whole thing happen.
3/23/2015 1:40:18 PM
3/23/2015 2:09:37 PM
anyone know who the contractor is?
3/23/2015 2:51:46 PM
Mike Hampton, chief operating officer of the project's general contractor, Atlanta-based Choate Construction, said the workers were in the process of removing and lowering the scaffolding – operated by Associated Scaffolding in Raleigh – when something went wrong shortly before 11 a.m.
3/23/2015 3:50:32 PM
4 People fell and the one that survived landed headfirst on a porter-john
3/24/2015 4:29:45 PM
Choate just finished one of our buildings last summer. The place is still all kinds of fucked up, especially the elevators. One of three lifts is always out of order. Another one dropped my coworker about 2 floors a few months back. Another coworker went over there today and all of the elevators were down, so he had to climb 5 flights of stairs. He got to the top and was thirsty, so he went to get a drink of water. The water fountains are also out of order.
3/24/2015 5:49:04 PM
tragic [Edited on March 24, 2015 at 8:44 PM. Reason : .]
3/24/2015 8:44:15 PM
That's going to be an expensive lawsuit.
3/25/2015 9:52:12 AM
i walked over there. couldn't figure out where the basket was. while walking back to work on wilmington st one of the sites advertisement banners flew up allowing me to see the basket... with a dead guy wrapped up in it.
3/26/2015 11:14:35 AM