This is disturbing, I am surprised CNN posted it. The Officer had a body cam on that recorded the incident. He is responding to a routine domestic violence call and was being totally polite.]
1/15/2015 9:54:57 PM
Lettuce further ask what we did as a society to provoke this young man to kill this polite officer.
1/15/2015 10:14:44 PM
what is he, a halfbreed beaner or something?
1/15/2015 10:19:00 PM
Well maybe if he had higher ambitions and had become a police officer not just a lowly polite officer he still would have been alive.
1/16/2015 12:32:14 AM
1/16/2015 1:06:18 AM
And this is why blacks get it bad. White guys kill all the nice cops, and leave us with assholes to deal with.
1/16/2015 7:54:41 AM