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DJ Lauren
All American
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So I'm shopping for winter jackets because I hate being cold, and I'm tired of buying jackets that I still get chilly in. So I found this at cabela's:

But, on the other hand, how often will I keep it charged- REALISTICALLY? It charges with a USB cord, apparently. Should I try it? If not, I think I may go with this north face jacket:

What are some jackets that you have purchased that have been super warm? I'd also be in to a down jacket that is also waterproof. But the electric wire to keep me warm is awfully appealling. Any thoughts, teedub?

11/9/2014 5:00:10 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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What temperatures will you be outside in? What winds? What are you willing to layer underneath? What will your activity level be? In my experience, if you're cold, you're not wearing enough or the right layers.

11/9/2014 11:21:44 PM

All American
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I know it is ridiculous but I can't help get a mental image of the electrical system shorting out and sparking while you are wearing it and catching on fire.

11/10/2014 11:19:25 AM

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If you use anything other than a fire you started with your bare hands for warmth you're perpetuating the pussification of america

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/10/2014 11:25:45 AM

DJ Lauren
All American
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1st layer: polyester underarmor leggings
2nd layer: merino wool onesies
3rd layer: heated jacket
4th layer:waterproof gortex rain coat, standard issue

11/11/2014 3:44:06 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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you wear leggings under your jacket?

11/12/2014 8:46:59 AM

26632 Posts
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where do you live? if you are around here and are still cold after wearing that many layers you need to see a doctor.

11/12/2014 9:08:04 AM

All American
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Yeah seriously. A decent down jacket should be fine down to like 0. Simply walking around should heat you up enough to create some warmth.

11/12/2014 11:25:25 AM

DJ Lauren
All American
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Electric heated jacket came in today and it is aaawweeesommmee. Very warm, fitted, and functional. I'm a sucker for heated garments.

You see, haters, I'm going to Portsmouth Island next week and it's going to be 35 degrees at night- with wind. For those of you playing along at home, that's cold as hell. Especially for me- who wears a sweater in 72 degree temperature controlled living room. I wear the same polyester pants as I do a top- you know, it's like 2014 spandex. The next layer is a wool layer/cotton layer onesie from LL. Bean. Here's the link:
It's pretty warm. At 45 degrees, I'm pretty good to go with a regular sweatshirt/jacket combo on this.

I should also mention that I sit outside and fish/walk around frequently-daily.

So tonight this electric heated jacket comes in. It has this thinsulate layer, wire panels (2 on chest, one large on back). I'll even post a picture, if you want to see the technical features. I'm a fan. I highly recommend this jacket. Here's the link I wound up going with:

If you want to get your girlfriend a cool, functional, tricked out warm jacket- do it.


11/12/2014 7:16:29 PM

26632 Posts
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i think you might have a circulation or metabolism problem or something

11/13/2014 9:26:28 AM

All American
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I think OP is confused between heat generation and convective heat transfer

11/13/2014 10:53:20 AM

All American
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^^Yeah probably.

Quote :
"You see, haters, I'm going to Portsmouth Island next week and it's going to be 35 degrees at night- with wind."

That's like summer! I wouldn't even have a full jacket on for that. It was -20 last night with wind chill where I was (Colorado).

11/13/2014 11:15:14 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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yeah i work outside. 35 at night isn't bad.

much better than 35 in the middle of the day with a 20 mph wind and raining. that is the worst weather ever.

11/13/2014 5:42:33 PM

148898 Posts
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where the hell is it 35 degrees at night in the summer?

11/16/2014 2:38:51 PM

All American
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Lots of places. Mountains, deserts, etc, etc. Easily gets down below freezing in July and August.

11/16/2014 5:37:58 PM

All American
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[Edited on November 16, 2014 at 6:14 PM. Reason : .]

11/16/2014 6:14:05 PM

45912 Posts
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Sounds like someone needs to eat more, exercise more, get proper cold-weather clothes, and learn to layer. Electric clothes? Surrrrsly?

11/19/2014 12:54:03 PM

All American
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It is my sad duty to report OP has froze to def. He is survived by his rambling comments on a defunct message board. GNSP

1/8/2015 2:10:49 PM

All American
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^OP is a woman.

Quote :
"You see, haters, I'm going to Portsmouth Island next week and it's going to be 35 degrees at night- with wind. For those of you playing along at home, that's cold as hell"


Quote :
"where the hell is it 35 degrees at night in the summer?"

Hawaii for one

[Edited on January 8, 2015 at 4:20 PM. Reason : f]

1/8/2015 4:20:27 PM

25083 Posts
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heated socks?

1/8/2015 4:22:36 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
15721 Posts
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I've had so many haters on this jacket IRL.

I have thoroughly enjoyed it, though.

and thanks, Patrick.

1/11/2015 9:30:52 PM

All American
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you're very welcome

1/11/2015 10:06:48 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"7.4-Volt Lithium Battery 2600MAH"

Oh bloody hell, the 10,000 mAh class of batteries have been hitting the market on the cheap for $20-30 with the last holiday season and they want to sell you a $280 jacket with under-speced crap. They shouldn't even be dealing with this, just put a USB port or something on it and then if the wearer is going to charge her battery then fine, and if not let it rot on the shelf with all the other "would be useful for camping" toys that the entire family can fail to enjoy together.

1/11/2015 10:31:28 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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^^^ Shiiiiit, I'm with you. I hate cold weather, unless I'm skiing. 35 is pretty damned cold.

1/14/2015 5:39:23 PM

All American
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I don't consider it "cold" outside unless it's at least in the teens.

The problem I would think that jacket has is it's just a shell so there's no insulation. That seems incredibly inefficient if there's a heating element but nothing to keep the heat in. I doubt it would work anywhere near as well as a decent down puffy.

--and yes I see the:

Quote :
"Shell is constructed of three layer polyester for heat-trapping performance and flexibility"

In the specs but I have a three layer Goretex shell and it doesn't do shit to insulate. This seems like it would be a lot more efficient if there was actual synthetic or down insulation.

Although if you're wearing it in warm weather (above freezing) then maybe it doesn't matter.

[Edited on January 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM. Reason : s]

1/14/2015 6:11:29 PM

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