He deserved it of course...but did I?Perhaps.
9/8/2014 5:03:49 PM
and boom goes my seventh round pick (14 team league)In perspective, I could have had cecil shorts or some other stretch, so it was probably worth the gamble.
9/8/2014 6:42:17 PM
I bet you drafted Ray Lewis, Donte Stallworth, Mike Vick, and Rae Carruth too
9/8/2014 6:49:52 PM
this is why we can't have nice things
9/8/2014 6:51:53 PM
One year instead of drafting a kicker in the final round, I draft some player who got cut. Some scrub who went to State or something, just for LOL's. But I dropped him and picked up a kicker before week 1 anyway.
9/8/2014 8:05:18 PM
I have 3 suspended people on my rosterRice, Prater, Gordon
9/8/2014 8:05:50 PM
My roster is still gainfully employed
9/8/2014 8:47:54 PM