see rough seas ahead for Justin Verlander.
9/1/2014 12:01:20 AM
9/1/2014 12:14:44 AM
more like dickileaks
9/1/2014 12:20:53 AM least some of them are real.
9/1/2014 10:27:40 AM
I just came for the Kate Upton pix, even though what got spammed around the Internets was "OGM JLAW!!1!"
9/1/2014 7:30:34 PM
9/1/2014 8:51:42 PM
The keyboard on my machine broke last night. I feel like I've missed so much.
9/1/2014 9:00:42 PM
You don't fap on the keyboard, Bridget.
9/2/2014 10:05:36 AM