I've been out of the game for a while. Can you guys recommend the best low profile graphics card for
8/22/2014 9:19:39 AM
Intel integrated graffix y0best at being low-profile
8/24/2014 11:08:03 PM
For what? Unless you're gaming then Intel integrated is the way to go.
8/25/2014 3:55:40 PM
oops, guess that part got cut off. For gaming. I have a htpc set up with integrated graphics. I want to Run the dolphin emulator and also play some PC games on it. Looking <$200
8/26/2014 10:47:47 AM
Just to be a repetitive douche, Intel integrated should be fine unless you're gonna jack up the settings.
8/27/2014 12:39:16 AM
Its not fine, hence the request about the graphics cards.
8/27/2014 8:57:09 AM
Integrated Intel graphics should be fine.
8/27/2014 12:31:08 PM
8/27/2014 12:41:09 PM