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 Message Boards » » Saudi Arabia's arab spring? Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"The unprecedented appearance of a female newsreader on Saudi state television without a headscarf has caused a scandal in the deeply conservative Islamic state.

The unnamed anchor, who has previously worn a hijab in clips circulated online, was reading a bulletin from London for the Al Ekhbariya channel.

Strict Islamic dress codes in Saudi Arabia require women to dress "modestly" - usually with headscarves, veils and full-length abayas.

While women do sometimes appear without head coverings in programmes broadcast by state-controlled channels, newsreaders are never seen without the hijab."

I don't think a revolution will come from this, but this seems interesting perhaps? Their society inching to more progressive views.

I remember seeing things like this about Iran before Bush, and we know how that turned out though...

8/6/2014 3:05:54 AM

45912 Posts
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fuck religious states.

8/6/2014 8:36:49 AM

All American
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If they do revolt hopefully it goes better than it has elsewhere in the region.

8/6/2014 10:15:22 AM

All American
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Heads will roll... [not literally]

If she appeared like that on TV, she had approval for people above her. Those people are gone...

Anyway, while this is interesting, this is not about to precipitate anything even remotely close to a revolution.

There have been protests or other forms of demonstrations in the past few years, but they have been clamped down hard. A "Day of Rage" was planned and announced on FB last year... guess what, police turned up everywhere in the city on that day, and the "Day of Rage" never took place.

SA, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, and Oman will not undergo any kind of Arab Spring that the poor Arab countries went through. There are forces inside and some powerful forces outside (hint hint) those countries ensuring that. And believe me, at least in the case of SA you do NOT want to see an Arab Spring.

I despise monarchy, but if the monarchy in SA goes, something far worse will take hold. Some people of course never learn a lesson... See Iraq, it was far better when Saddam was in power, even though he was a barbarian.

8/6/2014 5:39:38 PM

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