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 Message Boards » » Live in Nanny Page [1]  
New Recruit
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Hello, Looking for a live in nanny in the North Raleigh area. We need someone to watch our 3 children over the summer and continued into fall. We need someone to take them to activities and be a great friend. We have 2 girls (ages 4 & 2) and 1 boy 2 months. We need someone for 3 days a week T,W,Th and some weekends. We are willing to trade and discuses compensation as well as free room and board. We live on a small farm with lots of animals and things to do. In the fall we will need someone to pick up our oldest from School so a valid drivers licenses is required. If you are interested please call Rachel at: 919-764-6402.

7/8/2014 12:29:10 PM

26632 Posts
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Anyone considering this should review labor laws before accepting room and board in trade

7/8/2014 12:46:51 PM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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go to

7/8/2014 1:20:05 PM

All American
11464 Posts
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Rule #1 of the internet....DO NOT POST YOUR PHONE NUMBER

Just a friendly tip since it appears you haven't been around in a while

7/8/2014 8:00:19 PM

All American
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^^^ I don't think anyone is dumb enough to trade working 4 days a week for a place to stay without some additional compensation.

7/9/2014 7:42:17 AM

New Recruit
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Rule 1. MYOB if you are not interested don't reply. We have enough Trolls already.

It's also 3 days for 4 to 6 hours a day and we will also discuss compensation.

@afripino: It's a google voice number, it's disposable. But thanks for the friendly tip...

7/9/2014 10:42:24 AM

26632 Posts
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^^ have you ever looked at Tons of people are taken advantage of and paid less than minimum wage for being a nanny or caregiver.

Another thing that some people will do is hire them as a contractor when they are actually classified as an employee, that's another example of taking advantage of them.

7/9/2014 12:07:06 PM

45912 Posts
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Actually, Rule 1 is BYOB. Rule 8 is MYOB. Thought Rule 8 doesn't apply on the Internet.

7/9/2014 1:20:51 PM

New Recruit
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Lol, my wife was a Nanny for years. She lived in homes while going to school and received free room and board for her services. In Grad school she still paid $100 a month. That's not being taken advantage of that's taking an advantage. We live in a 4000 square foot house, with a detached apartment on a big farm that we will give someone to live in for a few hours of work for 3 days a week, just until myself or my wife gets home. So, if you don't know anyone interested in this position then leave the thread alone. And yes we have an add on as well. But given that I'm a NCSU alum I wanted to give my academic posterity first shot.

7/9/2014 1:30:57 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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I wouldn't trust my kids to anyone willing to watching them for zero pay and a free place to sleep. This seems like work thats desirable only to homeless people and runaways.

Even Au Paire's are usually given a small living allowance.

7/9/2014 3:59:31 PM

New Recruit
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"discuses compensation" there will be payment for services rendered along with background checks.

7/9/2014 6:48:12 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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My bad, I saw lewoods's post and forgot you said you'd pay.

But as others have said, you'll do better on or This site is mostly alumn with their own kids.

Also, you say you have 2 girls and one infant son....but that you also need someone to pick up your oldest son from school. Are you looking for a nanny for 4 kids or 3?

[Edited on July 9, 2014 at 7:33 PM. Reason : ]

7/9/2014 7:32:31 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Gingers are a deal breaker for most nannies.

I assume you don't breed gingers?

7/9/2014 7:36:12 PM

All American
34532 Posts
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This doesn't seem like a bad gig for someone looking to do nanny work. you people seem to be pretty harsh...

7/9/2014 7:49:52 PM

New Recruit
47 Posts
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"In the fall we will need someone to pick up our oldest from School'' the oldest being the 4 year old who will start school in the fall

7/9/2014 9:08:52 PM

All American
14327 Posts
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You people need to learn some damn reading comprehension skills, before shitting all over someone's ad. Jesus Christ.

7/12/2014 4:15:52 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"This doesn't seem like a bad gig for someone looking to do nanny work. you people seem to be pretty harsh..."

Quote :
"You people need to learn some damn reading comprehension skills, before shitting all over someone's ad. Jesus Christ."


Look assholes. If you're not interested, move along.

7/13/2014 11:23:57 AM

 Message Boards » Classifieds » Live in Nanny Page [1]  
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