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play so hard
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What do you all think of debadged cars?

Normally I think they look stupid, but not in all cases.

5/21/2014 12:11:00 PM

26632 Posts
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I don't mind it for the clean look, but trying to make it a higher trim level is silly

5/21/2014 12:22:50 PM

All American
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Case by case basis. If its an Accord LX it is totally pointless what you do it.

I am more bothered by people with BMW Toyota Mercedes etc who put front tags on that duplicate the existing factory emblem.

5/21/2014 12:57:29 PM

All American
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I like debadged Porsche 991's and 981's, the new 'P-O-R-S-C-H-E' logo on the rear is awful.

5/21/2014 3:13:34 PM

soup du hier
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I pulled all mine in my legacy because it looked like a base legacy and could even have been mistook for an accord which I thought was cool having a 320-420 awhp accord (depending on tune and fuel)

5/21/2014 3:38:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I like debadged Porsche 991's and 981's, the new 'P-O-R-S-C-H-E' logo on the rear is awful."

I wouldn't actually called that debadged, as having the P-O-R-S-C-H-E logo on the back is actually an option, not standard. And I agree it makes it look too cluttered.

5/21/2014 4:31:00 PM

play so hard
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Yeah I saw a Porsche not too long ago that looked good...but Infinity owners seem to do it a lot and I think it looks stupid.

How I feel about a debadged car is probably just an extension of how I feel about the car's styling to begin with.

5/21/2014 4:44:11 PM

All American
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I hate the Jeep owners who put custom lettering above the fender (like "DECEPTICON" where the Rubicon sticker should be).

Pure, white-hot, irrational hatred. Does that count?

5/21/2014 8:00:31 PM

324 Posts
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I'm about to debadge my Focus ST. The rear badge is too large for my taste. If I'm taking the rear off, I think the front should come off too.

5/21/2014 8:44:50 PM

soup du hier
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^^ agreed...

Is rubicon ok tho... You know.... On a rubicon?

Also I like debadging high end versions of cars like the focus st but debadging a 325i is only slightly better than re badging it an m3.

[Edited on May 21, 2014 at 9:07 PM. Reason : .]

5/21/2014 9:04:22 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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debadged, with a car-lot paint job showing through, reppin' my favorite forum.

eat it!

5/22/2014 7:05:22 AM

13089 Posts
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If you used some Turtle Wax Bug and Tar remover (The pressurized can) you could remove the sticker residue.

Chrome letters are for kids and lame BMW owners.

5/22/2014 7:31:29 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^that's not sticker residue; it's the visible perimeter of the top layer of paint

5/22/2014 7:40:34 AM

All American
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How about just minimizing them? I plasti-dipped mine b/c I didn't want chrome emblems on an all-black truck...

The wheels and step bars followed closely thereafter, btw.

[Edited on May 22, 2014 at 9:06 AM. Reason : .]

5/22/2014 9:02:27 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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5/22/2014 9:02:43 AM

13089 Posts
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Looks good, now lets get rid of that pinstripe.

5/22/2014 9:11:06 AM

45912 Posts
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I've never stared at a car and thought, "man, that badge needs to come of stat!"

damn messicans.

5/22/2014 10:00:24 AM

26632 Posts
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what about the giant as shit Ford emblem on the tailgate of the late model Rangers?

5/22/2014 10:09:22 AM

13089 Posts
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If I was to buy anything made by Chevy, other than a Vette, debadging would be in the negotiation.

5/22/2014 11:06:18 AM

soup du hier
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Yeah my buddy and I have the rule of bowtie the more emblems Chevy sticks on a car the bigger of a pos it is... See a cavalier and a vette side by side to catch what I'm talking about. The trucks are the exception to the rule.

[Edited on May 22, 2014 at 11:17 AM. Reason : .]

5/22/2014 11:15:20 AM

18600 Posts
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Quote :
"Looks good, now lets get rid of that pinstripe."

i like pinstripes

5/22/2014 8:48:57 PM

All American
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I think like anything else, it can be okay, if done tastefully.

I.E. my old accord was missing the rear honda stuff tag, i actually think this was because it got rear ended and they replaced the trunk with one from a v6.

What I think is stupid is when you have a say 325 and strip the badge and then put m3 wheels and "accessories" on it to make it look like a sleeper, but your just trying to pose.

It can also work well with some cars when the factory gets a little to logo crazy, or if the car is legitimately interesting, or your going for a sleeper.... (Note don't say your a "Sleeper" if your exhaust tip is 4 inches and your car sounds like a murdered cat when it idols).

My pet peeve, people sticking euro, or other logos on US cars, and fake tags from other countries (Now if you have a legit german tag, that you drove around with fine, or if you did some kinda European delivery). Under that same vein: sticking Holden logos on your GTO or G8.

5/22/2014 10:25:58 PM

45912 Posts
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My pet peeve: your != you're

5/23/2014 8:43:12 AM

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5/23/2014 8:55:04 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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Quote :



5/23/2014 9:06:17 AM

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Quote :


What kind of sleeper idols like a murdered cat?

[Edited on May 23, 2014 at 10:35 AM. Reason : CAAT]

5/23/2014 10:35:28 AM

45912 Posts
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u got dat pontiac debadged bro? it go faster wit out dem symbuls?

5/23/2014 12:17:22 PM

13089 Posts
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I drive a Holden bro. it all bout dat lion son, and dat na5ty idol.

[Edited on May 23, 2014 at 2:33 PM. Reason : .]

5/23/2014 2:23:31 PM

play so hard
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RIP Pontiac

5/23/2014 3:34:25 PM

13089 Posts
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So is my debadging acceptable?

5/24/2014 11:19:07 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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you removed the badges, but then put on a license plate frame with a badge

5/24/2014 2:20:38 PM

13089 Posts
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Yes. The chrome letters were hideous.

I rebadged after I got compliments on my nice g6.

[Edited on May 24, 2014 at 2:38 PM. Reason : .]

5/24/2014 2:36:49 PM

All American
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its borderline with that crappy plastic plate

5/24/2014 2:55:07 PM

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Plate is metal, authentic Pontiac.

5/24/2014 3:17:26 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Saw a Ford Edge at CV with the front oval ghosted over.

That's fine, I guess, but it's still a giant chrome oval in the middle of the grille. No one's fooled?

5/25/2014 3:35:58 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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I don't think people are trying to fool anyone; to me, its akin to pulling those gaudy stickers off of computers that show off the processor/operating system/etc.

5/25/2014 10:34:41 AM

All American
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Haven't seen it but I think a Ford oval without the blue/letters in the middle of it would just look stupid.

I guess I can understand wanting a smooth look, especially if other work has been done to the car, but on an otherwise stock car I don't see the point.

5/25/2014 12:06:28 PM

All American
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It's one thing if you're going to black out the whole car, but this was a white Edge with a stock chrome grill. It just looked odd.

5/25/2014 12:59:43 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^'murdered out' cars are 10x more stupid than a de-badged, unmodified car.

I just cannot fathom wanting to roll around in a black mass, no style, no character vehicle- cars and trucks inclusive. (and BJ don't worry about giving a retort - don't care just make the car fast )

[Edited on May 25, 2014 at 1:07 PM. Reason : -]

5/25/2014 1:07:09 PM

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Shes going in for work in a few weeks.

5/25/2014 1:18:50 PM


10411 Posts
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The maxima is debadged.
The random people that ask about the car have no idea it is a maxima.

5/25/2014 5:32:32 PM

13089 Posts
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Post a picture.

5/26/2014 7:21:25 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"The maxima is debadged.
The random people that ask about the car have no idea it is a maxima."

It's still a Maxima.....

5/26/2014 8:16:29 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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It could have been a minima

5/26/2014 8:31:12 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
4865 Posts
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How do you debadge to begin with?

5/26/2014 8:33:33 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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usually they're just glued on. body shops have plastic scraper attachments for air chisels that work well.

5/26/2014 8:40:34 AM

soup du hier
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5/26/2014 8:51:31 AM

All American
6576 Posts
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Quote :
"to me, its akin to pulling those gaudy stickers off of computers that show off the processor/operating system/etc"

having a ricer computer case is totally different though. that shit's gotta be mad bling, yo

5/26/2014 8:55:48 AM


10411 Posts
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I started with floss, then goo-gone and a towel. Then a rubbing/buffing compound to remove the ghost outline of the lettering, followed by wax over the entire area.

[Edited on May 26, 2014 at 9:01 AM. Reason : Photobucket not working?]

[Edited on May 26, 2014 at 9:03 AM. Reason : .]

5/26/2014 8:58:30 AM

play so hard
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I saw a debadged Japanese car that was tastefully riced up once...after keeping an eye on it for a bit I figured out it was an Optima.

5/26/2014 10:20:42 AM

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