Not sure what this company is named, but found a craigslist ad for them and decided I would check them out this weekend. Moving into a new townhome and need a sectional or other sort of couch, but also a dining table and chairs. They say they only do hardwoods and everything in the pics looks great. They also say they are cheaper than buying the new crappy furniture that seems to be everywhere nowadays. Anybody ever been there? Looking for some opinions.
4/2/2014 2:52:30 PM
Are the pics online?
4/2/2014 4:37:57 PM
so is this a place you take your old furniture for them to redo or you buy re-done furniture they have salvaged?
4/2/2014 4:46:38 PM
^Both. They have a section in the old long building at the corner of the fairgrounds for the weekend flea markets. I like some of their offerings but they are expensive. It's mostly sanded-down/restained wooden furniture (chairs & tables) but some reholstery pieces. I imagine they make a hell of a profit by buying off solid but ugly/worn furniture from estate sales and auction houses cleaning it up and turning it around.
4/2/2014 6:45:45 PM
Their stuff looks good in person to me, my wife almost bought stuff from them before we decided to hold off on furniture for now
4/3/2014 12:48:40 AM
Way way way too expensive. Their Craigslist ad was a total lie.
4/6/2014 9:46:26 PM
you talking about Revival? they do good work. we've bought a couple of things from them in the past, and have generally been very impressed with pretty much everything else we've seen in their flea market stall and at their showroom off Capital Blvdif you're looking for a fantastic piece you'll have for a long time, then you could do a lot worse than their furniture. but if you want something at a KMart price, you should probably shop at KMart.
4/7/2014 8:50:58 AM
my grandma is an upholsterer if you find a good frame you want recovered.
4/7/2014 11:59:21 PM
Unless you're buying great furniture off a clueless old person everything decent is expensive.
4/8/2014 1:29:41 AM