M=133300 r=.2662 H=4435 y(0)=1320for the logistic model,--what is the population at the nonzero equilibrium?for the harvesting model,--what are the equilibrium populations?a. # (smaller population)b. # (larger population)
3/31/2014 5:27:44 PM
For the logistic model the population at the nonzero equilibrium is just equal to the value for M. So M=133300
3/31/2014 7:00:36 PM
In the differential equation y'=a*y-b*y^2-k, if a^2>4b*k (harvesting model), the two stationary solutions are, analogously to the quadratic formula, y(t)=(a±sqrt(a^2-4b*k))/(2b); populations starting below the lower stationary solution diverge to 0 and become extinct, while populations starting above it converge to the upper stationary solution: http://mathfaculty.fullerton.edu/mathews/n2003/HarvestingModelMod.html
4/2/2014 1:52:05 AM