jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
I know how to do the following:
Sheet A: A large table full of data Sheet B: A form, say a job application. You fill in a name that can be found on Sheet A and it pulls all the data from Sheet A that corresponds to that name to fill in the rest of the form.
What I'd like to learn, or know if it is possible is the following:
Once the name has been entered on Sheet B and the form has been filled out with the data from Sheet A is it possible to then edit the values on the form and have it save those edits back to the data on Sheet A? In other words return a reference to the cell on Sheet A that is editable rather than just the data that is in the cell on Sheet A.
[Edited on March 29, 2014 at 11:50 PM. Reason : -] 3/29/2014 11:47:45 PM