I acquired these magnets as part of a set many years ago. They are extremely strong, and can be used for cool toys, holding guns, or any other thousands of internet projects. These have roughly a 500lb direct contact pulling force (theoretical max). You could stick them to a refrigerator and remove them fairly easily because the thin metal it is stuck to. It would take some effort to un-stick them from each other. It is time to clean out some of my toys, projects, and collected 'stuff'.I would like to get $50 each for them, or all for $120.One possible use:Currently Packaged:Some Comparison Links:N45 3x1 Puck: $120http://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_71&products_id=282&zenid=f51f8ddd18cebd8a3e3bb7e7be69ac7cN52 Puck: $250http://www.ebay.com/itm/Super-Strong-Neodymium-Magnet-1000-lb-450-kg-N52-/141215766081?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20e11d9641
3/26/2014 3:29:18 PM
I have a feeling I'd lose a finger with these things.
3/26/2014 4:04:58 PM