... instead of navigating to the intended page in the linking object, just because my mouse moved a micrometer when clicking. Why is this a thing, still? Why can't it be fixed (or can it)? This happens even when my cursor remains fully on the item, and it's retarded. Why can't graphical buttons behave like real buttons?
2/4/2014 11:24:34 PM
turn down your mouse sensitivity.
2/5/2014 12:10:13 AM
Okay, thanks, that's one workaround.
2/5/2014 12:23:42 AM
i don't understand what the issue is
2/5/2014 10:59:36 AM
I intend to click on a link or something, and it highlights a letter, gives the "cross-out" sign, or nothing happens at all, which is the most common thing. It's because my mouse moves slightly while holding the button.
2/5/2014 4:36:27 PM
Michael J. Fox, is that you?
2/5/2014 7:08:13 PM
2/5/2014 9:32:32 PM
Tttthhasankkks gggguyuuyeus.
2/5/2014 10:16:15 PM
Well played, would read again!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2/6/2014 12:13:50 AM