So I have noticed a lot of people are giving away, or selling very cheap 13" non-hd tvs on craigslist. I was thinking about getting one and taking it to work and then buying a Pac-Man Plug and Play, or taking my SNES for lunch break. The problem is they only have a white and yellow plug in and the SNES has a red, white, and yellow plug in. Will the SNES still work, if I only plug in the yellow video and white audio, but leave the red audio unplugged? I know some games had Mono/Stereo in the options menu.
1/10/2014 1:06:17 AM
It will work...I think you'll just have mono audio
1/10/2014 1:09:19 AM
Cool! We only get two 15 minute breaks and a half hour lunch. I just want to have two or three fights and then go back to work. I'm pretty sure SFII and all of the other fighting games would let you select stereo, or mono.
1/10/2014 1:12:36 AM
Big4Country, I'm not trying to be mean when I ask you this, and I'm not really trying to hurt your feelings (although, I'm obviously not trying to spare them either) but I'm being extremely serious when I ask you...Are you mildly retarded?
1/10/2014 1:28:51 AM
Use the yellow (video) and white (left audio channel) plugs. You'll be fine.
1/10/2014 7:12:38 AM
Getting mono sucks.
1/10/2014 10:47:08 AM
1/10/2014 11:22:31 AM
bttt. I am legitimately wondering if at any point in your life you have been court ordered to wear a safety helmet for your own protection. Serious question, plz answer.
1/11/2014 12:00:43 AM
has El Nacho ever made a single positive post on here ]
1/11/2014 12:18:09 AM