y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "GRENOBLE, France -- Doctors treating Michael Schumacher refused Monday to predict the outcome for the former Formula One driver, saying they were taking his very critical head injury "hour by hour" following his ski accident. Chief anesthesiologist Jean-Francois Payen told reporters that the seven-time champion is still in a medically induced coma. He said the medical team was focusing only on his current condition. "We cannot predict the future for Michael Schumacher," Payen said. "It's too soon to talk about." Schumacher, who is the most successful driver in Formula One history, arrived at the Grenoble University Hospital Center a day earlier already in a coma and immediately underwent brain surgery. Payen said he remains in critical condition, with severe bruising on his brain." |
One of my all-time favorite drivers in any racing series.
[Edited on December 30, 2013 at 4:38 PM. Reason : -] 12/30/2013 4:37:15 PM
AVON All American 4770 Posts user info edit post |
It's amazing that he has crashed at ridiculous speeds and walked away and something like this happens... He was even wearing a helmet! 12/30/2013 5:46:28 PM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
Got a little bit better today? Or at least more stable... 12/31/2013 9:32:18 PM
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
IBT "He's no Paul Walker"
get well soon.  1/1/2014 6:58:13 AM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
Signed 1/2/2014 8:07:19 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
all fingers crossed for Michael. he's my favorite driver as well. 1/2/2014 9:05:56 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It's amazing that he has crashed at ridiculous speeds " |
I thought this referred to his skiing wreck...it does appear he was travelling pretty fast 1/2/2014 9:08:53 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah I know what you mean. I've skied at close to 70 mph and crashing at that speed would be...pretty bad. I think I'd prefer to crash in a race car going 120  1/2/2014 9:26:09 AM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, the car is designed to protect in a high speed crash. The human body is not. 1/3/2014 8:24:52 PM
carzak All American 1657 Posts user info edit post |
Sounds like he's pretty much gone. If he wakes, up he will probably be mentally and physically disabled for the rest of his life. Well, it least he was able to live to be the greatest F1 driver of all time. 1/28/2014 8:03:20 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26813 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-187920/Coma-man-wakes-19-years.html 1/28/2014 10:32:49 PM