Need to replace a VSV on my wife's camry but can only get to it from underneath.Anyone got one I could borrow for an hour(or hopefully less) tomorrow afternoon/night?Willing to pay $
11/14/2013 9:02:57 PM
Back in the day I'd have taken it over to Jeepman's place, but I havent been around much the last few years.Oh well. Guess I'll just winch this bitch up into a tree and work on it that way. Thanks NGRs.
11/15/2013 1:48:19 PM
Jeepman had a lift?
11/15/2013 2:01:39 PM
he had (maybe still HAS) a lift and a sweet-ass multi-bay gayrage.
11/15/2013 2:40:49 PM
I remember the garage. I just don't remember there being a lift in there.
11/15/2013 4:35:18 PM
Do you even lift?
11/15/2013 6:26:30 PM
jeepman moved to charlotte
11/18/2013 6:30:10 PM