Easy to put together, very sturdy, new in box. Bought two, only needed one. There aren't any instructions in the box. The one I used didn't have instructions so I opened the box to see if this one had instructions included. It was pretty easy to figure out anyways. No pics yet, but if you do a Bing or google search for "out-tech shade n shelter", that's what it is.
9/29/2013 2:21:23 PM
Can you grab a picture?
9/29/2013 2:33:36 PM
$15could actually use this a lot of places.
9/29/2013 2:56:14 PM
Sure, I'll post pics a little later.
9/29/2013 2:58:51 PM
I must be confused, or using google wrong? Nothing my search comes up with remotely resembles any type of storage shed. It just looks like a pop up canopy with vinyl sides... Pictures of exactly what this thing is would be great, or at least a link to the manufacturer?
9/30/2013 12:23:33 AM
Storage shedOrShaded canopy.
9/30/2013 9:21:18 AM
i can't find a picture on google... all i see are pop up canopies or beach umbrella-tents.
9/30/2013 9:25:17 AM
Cause that's what it is
9/30/2013 9:36:42 AM
It is a storage shed or shaded canopy. [Edited on September 30, 2013 at 9:53 AM. Reason : ]
9/30/2013 9:46:00 AM
Storage ShedThat's a shed. What you have is a tent.
9/30/2013 2:47:52 PM
and that^ my friends is overkill for that old lawnmower.
9/30/2013 3:17:34 PM
^^nice! do want
9/30/2013 3:27:34 PM
thats almost a detached garage
9/30/2013 3:42:25 PM
So....now we're getting into semantics. Classic TWW. I'll keep this open till Sunday unless someone offers $20.
9/30/2013 6:13:57 PM
GET OFF THE SHED SHADED CANOPY![Edited on September 30, 2013 at 7:00 PM. Reason : k]
9/30/2013 6:59:39 PM
^^How is this semantics? The product you are selling doesn't even serve the same function as a shed. The only thing I could possibly be interested in storing in a "shade 'n shelter" would be my "Please Steal Everything Inside this Canopy and the Canopy Itself While You're at it" sign.Edit: Holy shit the box actually says Storage Shed on it. That has to be a horrible Chinese translation.[Edited on October 2, 2013 at 2:57 AM. Reason : .]
10/2/2013 2:51:45 AM
^can you take your bullshit back to chitchat?
10/2/2013 7:45:50 AM
it's not a shed. doesn't matter what the box says. it's a damn tent.
10/2/2013 8:55:49 AM
Shed (n) - A shed is typically a simple, single-story structure in a back garden or on an allotment that is used for storage, hobbies, or as a workshop.I use the one I have to store my lawnmower, trimmer, tailgating supplies, and other items. It is, by definition, a shed. It isn't a detached garage which is why it is selling for only $20 and not $200+. I'm not misleading anybody, so I don't get the thread-crapping. Perhaps you need a new hobby?
10/2/2013 10:52:08 AM
generic simplified definition != functional meaning
10/2/2013 12:17:07 PM
So, its meant to be a shed, I'm using it as a shed, it fits the definition of a shed, yet it isn't a shed? Ok. Call it what you want, but can you call it that in chit-chat? Just trying to sell something here.
10/2/2013 1:17:58 PM
structure != tent
10/2/2013 4:05:10 PM
I have to totally agree. This is not a "shed" by usual terms.
10/4/2013 9:08:35 AM
a $20 shed would be sold already
10/4/2013 5:37:55 PM
Is this "shed" still for sale? I'm interested.
10/6/2013 12:29:30 PM
^PM sent
10/7/2013 2:25:32 PM
I'm a get me a SHED
10/11/2013 1:30:50 PM
this is not a shed. this is a tent. that being said, it might still be useful in some cases.
10/11/2013 3:42:28 PM
^ Agreed, for tent-related uses, but shed-related uses? Dubious!
10/11/2013 4:02:23 PM
House for sale...$50 OBO
10/11/2013 5:37:18 PM
10/11/2013 6:17:38 PM
10/15/2013 12:52:36 PM
I bought it
10/15/2013 1:55:42 PM
SOLD! Thanks Snewf!
10/15/2013 3:03:17 PM
ha...also, not a shed. at all. O.o
10/16/2013 10:04:57 PM
How to build a shed...http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even.....
10/17/2013 9:16:56 PM
is that house under contract yet? I'm very interested!!email me darius_iss@yahoo.com[Edited on October 18, 2013 at 5:03 PM. Reason : ]
10/18/2013 5:00:15 PM
10/18/2013 8:56:57 PM
^^^Thanks for providing me a way to waste 2 hours of my life. That thread is hilarious...
10/21/2013 4:00:27 AM