overdoseSeveral-day erection Bruising on testicles and penisPenis inflamed, fractured, and gangrenous Penis amputated to prevent gangrene spreading to rest of bodyDude is a former public official from a town named Gigante
9/24/2013 2:35:02 PM
9/24/2013 2:36:31 PM
I think he misread the fine print and thought it said "4 day".
9/24/2013 2:39:03 PM
Because he's Hispanic he's also illiterate? WTF dude.
9/24/2013 2:42:45 PM
Yes, and because he is Colombian, he got his Viagra through drug gangs. He probably cut that shit up with some coke. That would explain a several day boner... his dick was high.
9/24/2013 2:44:58 PM
i read this yesterday. the gangrene part has me terrified of jerking off now.
9/24/2013 2:48:28 PM