Rosh Hashanah was a week ago so we're officially in 5774. Happy Yom Kippor y'all, and if I may take this moment to ask for forgiveness for anything I may have done to wrong you in the past year.
9/13/2013 2:51:38 PM
jew years are weird and complicated.
9/13/2013 2:58:30 PM
There are a load of calendars in use around the world. links to see the various calendars within each type.The Hebrew one is a lunisolar calendar.
9/13/2013 3:51:38 PM
Lshanah tovah
9/13/2013 3:56:40 PM
Tzom Kal
9/13/2013 4:06:28 PM
G'mar chatimah tovah!
9/13/2013 6:03:48 PM