only to see this:Mail Delivery Subsystem 11:58 PM (2 minutes ago) to meDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
7/22/2013 12:02:06 AM
Hello,I am sole heir to the late Nigerian prince Teksus Rahdel Sneyk the :3rd...
7/22/2013 12:05:43 AM
fuckhow did you FOUND know that that was the very important matter I was discussing :3 ]
7/22/2013 12:07:57 AM
yes, this shit is really, really annoying.<3 gmail with their autosave
7/22/2013 12:47:52 AM
yes, this shit is really, really annoying.<3 gmail with their autosavealso, no fucking shit,
7/22/2013 12:48:20 AM
7/22/2013 12:49:08 AM
I don't understandeven if the body of your email wasn't copied in the auto-reply, wouldnt it be in your sent folder?
7/22/2013 1:10:16 AM
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c right before hitting send. A habit developed during and carried over from the dial-up days.
7/22/2013 8:00:07 AM