neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Moving to Denver so I've got to pick me up an Outback. It appears to be a prerequisite for the move. My buddy just got the 2013 Crosstrek and I really like it although it's under powered so I'm looking at the 2014 Outback Premium w/ 6-speed manual.
Having never owned a Subaru what are everyone's thoughts? I was looking at used but they hold their value so much and I can do a decent down payment with my 08' GTI trade in. I just want a car with a little more utility as I do lots of biking, backpacking, kayaking, skiing, etc and will do even more after moving to Denver. 7/2/2013 7:55:00 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
if you have any sort of commute, go for the legacy - the outback/impreza interior is junk. also, go used. these cars do not hold value. 7/2/2013 8:13:11 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Sedans are boring and I need more space. They certainly do hold their value. Looking at used Outbacks they really hold their value. Why so many people decide to buy new. Going to look at a Forester and Outback and see what I think.
Just Google "Outback resale value". They're consistently in the top 10 cars for resale value across the board.
[Edited on July 2, 2013 at 8:26 PM. Reason : s] 7/2/2013 8:23:14 PM
Kickstand All American 11793 Posts user info edit post |
get a Subaru Justy 7/2/2013 8:28:00 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
percentage of original value, maybe, but they were never expensive. a used forester or impreza (both available as wagons) can be had under 9k no prob 7/2/2013 9:14:10 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Not really...old ones maybe? Plus I want a new one with a warranty. Outbacks hold their value like crazy and they're great cars. Everyone loves them. I don't see your point.  7/2/2013 9:15:47 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
Why not a Taurus SHO or if you want an all wheel drive with shitty everything how about an escape or tribute 7/2/2013 9:23:14 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
asks for opinions
gets opinions
argues about it cause his mind is already made up 7/3/2013 7:34:28 AM
jocristian All American 7528 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "also, go used. these cars do not hold value." |
Quote : | "percentage of original value, maybe, but they were never expensive." |
well, what else does "holding value" mean except that it can be resold for very close to its original retail price?
Quote : | "argues about it cause his mind is already made up" |
more like... argues about it because smoothcrim's opinion is clearly wrong.. 7/3/2013 7:58:09 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
smoothcrim is a bit off with his facts here.
First, I'm pretty sure neodata686 IS talking about a Legacy based Outback, no the Impreza based model. Second, as others have stated they do hold their value really well (Subarus in general do). 3rd, you mention that the Forester is available as a wagon. That's all its ever been...never offered as a sedan.
noedata686, if it were me I'd get a WRX hatchback. Or at the least another Subaru model with forced induction (which sadly due to their infuriating model/packaging configurations might mean the unavailability of a manual transmission). Without a turbocharger any Subaru you pick is gonna feel slow as shit in the high altitudes of CO. 7/3/2013 8:35:52 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
honestly i'm suprised it took that long for the WRX to be suggested. you fuckers think everyone wants a race car.
[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM. Reason : fgvb] 7/3/2013 9:04:57 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
for a 6 speed outback a wrx isn't a bad suggestion... for a awd explorer... it is.... 7/3/2013 9:42:47 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
WRX is far from a race car. 7/3/2013 9:49:07 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
I will concede they hold their value, but for some reason when I think of that phrase, I feel like there's an implied value, above similar cars of the same vintage. the cars just start out about 10-20k cheaper than their next closest counter parts and depreciate to similar levels over time, so they effectively hold more value. i just see an 06 wagon and an 06 volvo wagon and they cost about the same, but i feel i get way more car out of the volvo. excuse my poor perception. 7/3/2013 9:58:27 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i didn't say it was
all i'm saying is most folks don't give a fuck about performance, myself included. gayragers don't get it. 7/3/2013 10:14:06 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
I agree with you in most cases, but the OP stated that he felt the 2013 Crosstrek is underpowered. Given that a 2014 Outback Premium isn't that much faster AND he'll be at a high altitude bc it's CO my suggestion to get a more powerful car is catering exactly to his needs.
ergo, he DOES want something with better performance.
*also while i realize the WRX isn't your typical Subaru they hold their values extremely well. 7/3/2013 10:26:16 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
any turbo roos hold value well... except legacies fro some reason  7/3/2013 10:36:04 AM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
my aunt's family (live in NE so all their cars have AWD) had one for 10+ years and when it finally died, they bought 2013 outback. I drove it from NJ to Boston few months ago and loved it.
[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 10:39 AM. Reason : DO IT! and whoever said they hold their Also, i like the interiors in 2013 ] 7/3/2013 10:38:49 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "noedata686, if it were me I'd get a WRX hatchback. Or at the least another Subaru model with forced induction (which sadly due to their infuriating model/packaging configurations might mean the unavailability of a manual transmission). Without a turbocharger any Subaru you pick is gonna feel slow as shit in the high altitudes of CO." |
The Outback does come in a 3.6L...
Yeah unfortunately the Outbacks don't come with the turbos any more. The Outback is a bit more powerful than the Crosstrek (148hp 2.0 versus 173hp 2.5 boxer engine).
I've currently got an 08' GTI and lately I could care less about speed. I'm more concerned with room, utility, and the ability to get dirty. The WRXs have low clearance (compared to Outback/XV/Forester) and are just too small in general. I don't want a full on SUV but the Outback is a great in between. It has a lot of cargo space and a nice ground clearance.
Going to go test drive a few and see what I think. I want the ability to carry a bunch of shit and still cram 4 people in a car and I don't want an SUV or Sedan. 7/3/2013 10:43:06 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
^I could be wrong, but I don't think the 3.6 H6 is available with a manual transmission.
Yeah, Subaru's website confirms that. Lame!
[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 11:08 AM. Reason : k] 7/3/2013 11:04:44 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
do the back seats in a forester or outback fold flat? 7/3/2013 11:08:08 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
yes 7/3/2013 11:08:52 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
how long is the back with the seats down? I'm assuming less than 75"? 7/3/2013 11:13:55 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Yes less than 75" but longer than the Forester.
Says 66".
^^^^. Correct. I'll be looking at the 6-speed 2.5 premium. The 3.6 is a bit out of my budget any way.
Also the all weather package, heated seats, de-icers are all standard on the premium for 2014 which is nice.
What's weird is none of their manuals have a sun-roof. Haha.
[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 11:49 AM. Reason : s] 7/3/2013 11:38:21 AM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Great cars from everything I've heard, and from the couple people I know who've had them.
If you're going to be driving it in Denver, though, make sure you get something eye-catching to stick on your antenna mast, otherwise you're never going to be able to find it amongst all the others in parking lots. 7/3/2013 11:54:02 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Haha so true.
Just saw a black XV in our deck. Really hot looking car. I just wish they offered a turbo version. Maybe a WRX XV.

The new Outback just looks like a full on SUV/Cross over now:

[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 12:12 PM. Reason : s] 7/3/2013 12:11:03 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
I have a Subaru. The mileage is subpar and I liked my Mazda more, but it's not a bad car. YMMV. 7/3/2013 1:27:52 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah it's 22/28. Similar to my GTI. 7/3/2013 2:03:52 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
^Subaru's new family of 2.0 liter engines get way better gas mileage than their 2.5 liter line. Unfortunately the Outback still uses the old engine.
Quote : | "Just saw a black XV in our deck. Really hot looking car. I just wish they offered a turbo version. Maybe a WRX XV." |
You know that the XV or Outback only has 2-3" more ground clearance than the WRX right? If you want an "off roading" WRX its as simple as a few suspension mods  7/3/2013 2:04:20 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^Which would void the warranty...
WRX is still too small and gets worse gas mileage than any of the other Subarus. I see no advantage to getting it. 7/3/2013 2:08:14 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
yeah same exact chassis just different LCAs springs and shocks... but you're not going to want to do that on a new car...
also... if you need the ground clearance to get through the snow... they're going to close the road. 7/3/2013 2:09:17 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Not just for snow. I've been to drive in camp sites that require creek crossings etc. You're trying to convince me to go WRX by explaining how to get over it's short comings compared to an Outback.
Rather try explaining why I should go for a WRX in general. I really don't care about speed and I'd prefer a larger vehicle. Which the Outback is... 7/3/2013 2:39:09 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
i'm not... i don't really give a crap.
i drive a legacy that i'm selling cause i'm sick of turbo related shit failing on me
probably gonna pick up a ctsv. 7/3/2013 2:45:31 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
ghettoooo 7/3/2013 3:02:50 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
lol ok..
its that or a gto...
but i'd prefer the brembos and nicer interior on the caddy. 7/3/2013 3:10:40 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
So I'm also going to buy in NC and not in CO. CO auto tax is like 7.5% compared to like 3% in NC. Will probably save a couple grand. So I'm thinking of hauling this thing behind a Uhaul instead of putting 1600 miles on it right when I buy it. 7/3/2013 4:15:35 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
don't forget to think about any fees when you do register it in CO, and the fact that transporting a car, even doing it yourself, isn't free. you won't be saving as much as you think. 7/3/2013 5:42:58 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Full auto Uhaul trailer hitch: $257 Gas in Outback to Colorado ~$350-400
MPG hit on 14" Uhaul based upon my research: ~2-3mpg which equates to $300-400 in overall gas.
So yeah I'd be spending a little more pulling it on the Uhaul trailer but If I did a POD/moving service I'd be spending more money AND I'd have to drive a new car out there and put 1,600 miles on it.
Also auto registration fees in Denver are based upon vehicle price and age. I did the online calculator and total fees would probably come in at ~$400.
Buying a $25k car in NC = $750-1,000 in taxes at ~3%. Buying a $25k car in CO (assuming I get a similar price) = $1,930-2,000 in taxes at ~7.72%.
Either scenario I'd have to pay the registration fee I believe. So no matter what I'd be coming out on top by buying in NC.
[Edited on July 3, 2013 at 5:56 PM. Reason : s] 7/3/2013 5:49:37 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
in CO you have 90 days to register your vehicle. Even if you ignore that, at some point you are going to need to do it so you will be paying for that again. Combine that cost with the cost to either tow it or drive it, and the savings from the lower sales tax starts to drop really quick. I'd rather buy it in CO. 7/3/2013 5:53:12 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
^See above for calculations.
So if I bought in CO I'd still be driving/towing my GTI.
PLUS I can expense the trailer/gas as a moving expense. It'd be much harder to expense $x,xxx amount of taxes on a new vehicle.  7/3/2013 5:58:27 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Buy in CO and you pay taxes and registration once, buy in NC and you pay NC purchase tax and registration then registration and other taxes in CO. 7/3/2013 9:03:01 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to save at least $1,000 buying in NC. Not to mention Subaru prices are more competitive in Denver.
The registration fee in NC is under $100. I'd register in Denver for $300-400. That's a possible $500-600 I'd save by buying in NC. Either way I'm towing a car to Denver whether it's my GTI or a new car. I'll definitely call around and see what type of deal I could get in CO but again I can expense registration fees, transport fees, but probably not extra taxes. 7/3/2013 11:18:59 PM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Does that 3% tax figure you mentioned count Highway Use Tax? Because, if not, that's going to be a lot of money too. 7/3/2013 11:23:21 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah good point. I don't know. I'm going to call around. I may just end up buying in CO. 7/3/2013 11:36:29 PM
MattJM321 All American 4003 Posts user info edit post | 7/4/2013 9:33:24 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Well more power to Subaru! 7/4/2013 9:35:15 AM
Mark VII All American 2003 Posts user info edit post |
I will chime in....Nothing wrong with the subaru, just remember you scheduled maintenance and you will be fine. As for turbo related shit failing...I have over 140K on mine, not a failure other than the usual crap (Old ass AC line leaked, power steering O-ring, Valve cover leak) Wife's built 2.5 motor runs great headings towards 50K. My parents forester runs like a top, my sister's tribeca is nice and torquey with the flat 6, and her 03 Forrester is still going strong! I think you will be happy with a 6 cylinder outback/legacy, they are super popular out in CO for a reason, they are good with the weather, and drive wonderfully in the mountains, the 3.0R and 3.6R are all variable valve timing so it can do it's best to try and compensate for thin air (as much as you can on a NA car).
for some reason those engines hate Mobile 1 so just stay away from that and keep good oil in it and find a good shop out there for maintenance and you shoudl be golden 7/4/2013 10:07:26 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah I'd be leaning more towards the 4 cylinder 6-speed. The 3.6/6 doesn't come in manual and it's a little out of my budget. 7/4/2013 10:09:09 AM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
Why not a Mazda CX if you want a turbo all wheel drive car. 7/4/2013 10:27:15 AM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
No AWD manual option.
-And the automatic AWD option is a bit more than a 6-speed AWD Outback.
[Edited on July 4, 2013 at 10:48 AM. Reason : s] 7/4/2013 10:43:41 AM