It's not too late (probably)Quit before 40, and you can probably stave off an early death
1/23/2013 8:20:55 PM
smoking = instant turnoff
1/23/2013 8:25:08 PM
So if I want to deter qntmfred, I need to start smoking?
1/23/2013 8:27:24 PM
I'm the guy on the right, but I hate the rep. Its very possible to toke and be a productive member of society.
1/23/2013 8:28:54 PM
I have smoked a pipe for years and have smoked cigarettes off and on. I used to smoke them pretty regularly, but now I get a pack every once in a long while.
1/23/2013 9:03:59 PM
1/23/2013 9:05:22 PM
my dad died this past christmas eve due to lung cancer. he started smoking when he was 16. he died at 53.enjoy your cigarettes.
1/23/2013 9:12:41 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your father, NRR
1/23/2013 9:13:34 PM
I smoked off and on since I was 17. I feel like I finally quit last October, I'm now 32. Considering how difficult it was to quit, I don't plan on ever smoking another one.[Edited on January 23, 2013 at 9:45 PM. Reason : /]
1/23/2013 9:45:07 PM
Did you use my smoking cessation aides?
1/23/2013 9:52:16 PM
I smoke a pipe or cigar maybe two or three times a month. I feel like I'm pretty safe.
1/23/2013 9:54:50 PM
1/23/2013 9:56:33 PM
1/23/2013 9:59:12 PM
I quit three weeks ago. I'm now steady rocking the patch, gum, and lozenges. This is the most resolve I've ever had, and I'm definitely feeling more sympathy for folks with other addictions.I tried without the replacement stuff at first, but the withdrawal/cravings (and my inability to suppress them) made me feel really pathetic/bad about myself. I've been much better with the patch and whatnot, and I'm also having some awesome nicotine dreams. Last night, I went to work to discover that my job was to take care of Jerry O'Connell because he was really, really drunk--no clue why it would be Jerry O'Connell in my dream. Another night, my mother took my motorcycle away, and I was super pissed at her because I had very important, top secret plans to ride it while applying my eyeliner. But the coolest one so far had zombies, dogs (not humans) that turned into werewolves somehow, and crooked cops that kept undermining my attempts to escape the zombies and werewolf-dogs. The patch is awesome.
1/23/2013 10:22:31 PM
My grandmother smoked her whole life and died at 87 after intestinal surgery. My mom has smoked since she was 11. She's now 74 and still smoking. I started when I was 15 and quit at 39. Chantix ftw!I'm 43 now. Off the 3 month supply I got, 3 people quit.[Edited on January 24, 2013 at 1:16 AM. Reason : addendum....]
1/24/2013 1:13:18 AM
1/24/2013 1:16:56 AM
never been high in my life.
1/24/2013 2:55:52 AM
Dang NRR. Sorry to hear that. I started after HS, quit a few times between then and now. Tomorrow is 3 months no smoking for me.Probably about the longest of any of the times quitting since I started. Still feel like I could fuck up quick and be right back to smoking, but definitely not as difficult as the month of December. Finally noticing the level of hacking up tar subsiding, however I haven't tried to run a 10 minute mile recently
2/27/2025 10:46:02 PM
I haven't smoked in over 8 years
2/27/2025 11:07:07 PM
How long until you were able to smoke reefer comfortably without having huge urges for cigs?
2/27/2025 11:18:37 PM
i used the patch to quit and it worked well. i think there was more of a temptation to smoke after drinking than smoking. patch definitely helped though.if you can go out to the bar and have some drinks and be outside with people blowing smoke all over, and not smoke, then you'll be good.[Edited on February 27, 2025 at 11:22 PM. Reason : .]
2/27/2025 11:21:17 PM
I am going to start smoking when i turn 40
2/27/2025 11:26:24 PM
^^for me opposite. Both triggered urges, but I guess since I chain smoked cigs after smoking, and I always smoked cigs outside, its like soon as I smoke now, i just want to go outside and smoke a cig[Edited on February 27, 2025 at 11:33 PM. Reason : Used a patch exactly once. Irritated my skin within like 5 minutes]
2/27/2025 11:32:48 PM
i had no luck over the years going cold turkey, chewing nicotine gum, etc. patch worked great for me. the cheap ones you get on amazon for like $30 for 30 patches.
2/27/2025 11:43:17 PM
So 8 years literally not 1 cig? Or did it get to the point you could have one here and there?
2/28/2025 12:01:58 AM
no cigs at all though i did have a couple different dreams where i smoked 1
2/28/2025 12:15:20 AM
I had a dream with bill clinton the other day
2/28/2025 12:17:33 AM
2/28/2025 3:05:45 AM
I also quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey some years ago. When I drink (which is way rarer these days,) is when I mostly still feel the urge.So happy to not smell like ASS anymore.
2/28/2025 10:33:08 AM
Those around you appreciate it as well! I formerly had to sit next to a colleague (HR-assigned desks) who chain smoked. Smelled terrible! When he would come back to his desk after a smoke break, he would trail a musty, nasty, lingering odor down the hall behind him. Gross!
2/28/2025 10:45:19 AM
I bet that odor was from the cigarettes[Edited on February 28, 2025 at 10:57 AM. Reason : Or maybe he likes to shit his pants while he smokes? ]
2/28/2025 10:56:22 AM
nah sometimes it can be smelling like straight butt
2/28/2025 12:03:05 PM
I think it was a combination, but mainly cigarettes. He would go to his truck and hotbox (with cigs). Can't imagine riding in that vehicle.
2/28/2025 1:22:06 PM
2/28/2025 2:07:51 PM
3/1/2025 2:13:58 AM
3/1/2025 8:31:17 AM
Shit, every restaurant had a smoking section. When I was a waiter I actually liked being assigned the smoking section because those people usually tipped more.[Edited on March 1, 2025 at 10:02 AM. Reason : haha, imagine bwning some chick and she lights up a cig in bed after]
3/1/2025 10:00:57 AM
it's still allowed inside lots of casinos but they usually have ridiculous hvac systems
3/1/2025 6:24:57 PM
True i did noticed it at the winstar casino in oklahoma
3/1/2025 6:28:50 PM
Just caught myself patting my pockets looking for pack of smokes/lighter
3/2/2025 1:07:28 AM
3/2/2025 11:52:38 AM
^not that there's anything wrong with that
3/3/2025 7:32:46 PM
I don't smokeI don't poke either
3/4/2025 10:23:45 AM
No more reefer either? Its ok to admit it now, like 50% of the population does it
3/4/2025 7:04:53 PM
3/4/2025 7:25:55 PM
Not your only evolving position, TBH.NTTAWWT!
3/4/2025 7:28:31 PM
After quitting smoking, i been meaning to google healthiest way to smoke weed. I guess edibles but thats a body buzz which i don't particularly like. But even one bowl and i am hocking up that tar looking substance the next day. But pretty much only once and its gone. The cigarette tar hocking is substantially less now. Small specs that I spit into paper towels just to see how big of a spec it is
3/4/2025 8:10:13 PM
vape cartridges had a problem a few years back with additives causing respiratory issues, and I think some kids died from some laced carts or something. but otherwise you could do worse.
3/4/2025 8:18:51 PM
Man i went through like a 3 month phase of carts in like was that awesome. Actually i should look into that
3/4/2025 8:26:59 PM
Or how about filling your life with something that isn't a self-harming and expensive dependency?
3/4/2025 8:36:45 PM