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All American
17118 Posts
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I know there are a few threads but they're old and the format has changed as per the GRE website. Anyone taken it recently or planning to? I'll be taking mine in December. Lots of good advice in the older threads but any info is always welcome, particularly current info.

I'm currently a senior in nuclear engineering with a minor in mathematics, any reason to think I'd have any issues with the math section?

I also write well and am good with vocab, but anything in particular that might catch me off-guard on the verbal section? Besides the cursive

10/25/2012 9:20:37 PM

15294 Posts
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There is cursive on the GRE? lol

script Cursive is for wedding invitations and thats about it

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/25/2012 9:25:30 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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I wouldn't worry about the cursive thing... all it is is a statement in the beginning... i haven't used cursive since 3rd grade so I just printed it extra sloppily and it was fine.

I don't think the writing section asks for cursive.

10/25/2012 9:34:12 PM

331 Posts
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The GRE math section is really easy. 800 isn't too hard to get. I'd be more worried about the verbal and writing. I got a 800 in math but got in the low 500's for verbal. I forgot what I got for the writing section.

10/25/2012 9:41:04 PM

All American
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Dave I'm studying for it now. Make sure to read ALL instructions on each individual question because it may ask you for ONE answer or TWO or AS MANY AS YOU THINK APPLY (that one is a real bitch)

10/25/2012 9:44:35 PM

All American
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If you have any apple products, download the GRE+ app by arcadia prep. It's great and the run through of the exam and some practice is free but you can pay more if you need more verbal practice

10/25/2012 9:46:30 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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You should have absolutely no problem with the math

The verbal is sketch as shit, apparently. I don't even think the people who write the test know the answers to some of them.

Oh yea, and buy some sort of practice that has the new computer format so you can practice under timed conditions like the real deal. ^ That may work, too - I don't know anything about that program.

[Edited on October 25, 2012 at 9:59 PM. Reason : ]

10/25/2012 9:56:46 PM

All American
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great, thanks for all the info folks. Egy, when/where are you taking yours?

10/25/2012 10:42:46 PM

All American
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I don't know anything about anything. I just started studying yesterday! I don't know what schools or programs are near me but I want to study as much as I can whilst being a housewife.

10/25/2012 11:43:34 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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paerabol, I just looked up your SAT score on here, and it is evident that you will do ridiculously well on the GRE. LOL

10/26/2012 12:20:59 AM

All American
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Wait, haha how did you look up my SAT score?

10/26/2012 12:33:03 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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You posted it on here. Everybody does so we've got a whole database of people's SAT scores! I memorize them in my spare time.

10/26/2012 12:36:12 AM

All American
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I don't remember that but awesome, glad you think so! From what I've read it's just an SAT for adults so I'm not too worried about it other than prepping for the test format itself

10/26/2012 12:40:15 AM

All American
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Do you really need to study and prep for it?

Is there anything to lose besides money by just going in cold to take it without prepping, and seeing how you do?

10/26/2012 12:46:44 AM

All American
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I'm not sure about now, but some schools used to demand all scores from all previous tests.

*I THINK - I could be thinking of something else*

10/26/2012 12:49:12 AM

All American
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I don't intend to take it more than once, got better things to do with my time and money. Certainly not the GRE anyway. Now the FE, on the other hand...

[Edited on October 26, 2012 at 1:24 AM. Reason : lol at 100% retakes on the nuke FE]

10/26/2012 1:14:32 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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I decided to apply to grad school, signed up, and took the GRE all within a one week period and did just fine. (perfect writing, near perfect math, pretty good reading)

So my advice from my comprehensive data set (1 sample) is to not stress over it and walk in and just slaughter it.

10/26/2012 1:22:37 AM

All American
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I can definitely appreciate that

10/26/2012 1:25:24 AM

598 Posts
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Took the GRE a year out of state. Mathematics major. Look over you calc and early math work. After going 2 years looking a Greek letters it kinda was like what is this. Didn't study. Got a good score. You can do it. I will say the wording on the math problems were kinda WTF. Just work it out don't try to over think the problem. I too, was in engineering.

10/26/2012 8:08:38 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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^^^ woah can i touch you?

10/26/2012 10:10:09 PM

All American
3339 Posts
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Took it a week ago, just got my official scores back

Not very good at all

10/26/2012 10:18:05 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^I remember you were thinking about grad school a couple years back. Did you ever take any NDS/PBS classes?

There are lots of ways to get into graduate school. Of course, it can be hard to find a fit that matches your research interests. But, if you're just tryna get a professional degree to open up a career path, you've got tons of options.

10/26/2012 10:52:34 PM

11725 Posts
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I need to do this soon. I took it one time before but I totally forgot about it until like the day before. I did fine on math but the verbal/essays ....... yea it was bad

has anyone taken classes? I know most people just study on their own but I feel like I'll need extra help in the essay writing part and wanted to know if they go over that pretty thoroughly in a class.

10/26/2012 11:11:40 PM

best gottfriend
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if you're thinking of research degrees, don't kill yourself over the gre. just make sure you get like 750+ in math. i guess a good writing score doesn't hurt.

10/27/2012 1:49:51 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not sure about now, but some schools used to demand all scores from all previous tests."

you cannot selectively submit GRE scores, sending your scores to a school sends all of them, whether the school wants them or not.

10/27/2012 3:47:31 AM

All American
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^ They recently changed that - you can select your best score now

I just don't know if it tells the school that you chose to only send a particularly score or not

[Edited on October 27, 2012 at 11:08 AM. Reason : ]

10/27/2012 11:07:20 AM

40962 Posts
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if you're looking for additional test prep, consider the folks i sit next to 40 hours a week make it (i know, i know, BUY AN AD)

10/27/2012 3:08:39 PM

All American
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^ how about a discount

10/27/2012 3:10:52 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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I might be willing to offer a TWW discount on GRE prep. Anyone interested in a small group class near RTP? I can do math and know a woman that could teach verbal. I scored top 10% on verbal, but I'm too busy to mess with re-learning it right now.

10/28/2012 10:19:11 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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jesus you are the worst.

10/28/2012 7:16:19 PM

All American
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BridgetSPK: I haven't yet. Ive worked the past year and this school year with international high school students. I want to work with international students in higher education, and I'll be applying for the Masters of International Studies program at NCSU. They have a concentration in International Programs Management: International Student Services and Study Abroad. I've talked with several program alums, and it seems to be a perfect fit for what I want to do.

Since the GRE didn't go as well as planned, I'm planning on taking a PBS class in the spring (work permitting).

Fingers crossed!

10/29/2012 12:21:34 AM

All American
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^what happened? Why do you think you didn't do so hot?

10/29/2012 5:45:00 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ woah can i touch you?"

ha i wasn't intending to brag by any means... just pointing out that the stuff of the GRE is fairly simple, especially for someone in engineering... I never went past Calc 242 and did just fine.

10/29/2012 12:24:06 PM

All American
3339 Posts
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Quote :
"^what happened? Why do you think you didn't do so hot?"

Who knows. I didnt do bad, I just didnt do great. Just average.

In retrospect, I definitely didnt study as much as I should have for it. I havent had a math class in 6 years, and that was just basic math to satisfy my college degree. I was a foreign language major, so my spelling in english has totally went down the drain, so im sure that didnt help my essay out. Im hoping that after taking a few classes as a PBS student and doing well, they'll accept me in.

10/29/2012 4:39:11 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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^^Indeed, in fact the level of math knowledge required for the Quantitative section (a.k.a. "Math") in the GRE General is about the same as in the SAT I, so getting an 800 should be just as easy.

(Now the actual GRE Math subject test on the other hand is much more difficult and broad; even if you majored in math you likely haven't covered all the topics on that test, but then again you aren't planning to go to grad school in math so...)

10/30/2012 9:51:46 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Any recommendations on study materials besides the online class above?

11/15/2012 5:14:42 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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practice tests

11/15/2012 11:41:54 PM

All American
63539 Posts
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Cracking The GRE from Princeton Review is what I used back in 2008 - it came with access to an online trainer which was hella useful. Rehearsing taking the test is valuable. Vocabulary building games were also helpful.

I scored like 5-something on the math and 7 something on the verbal.
5.5 out of 6 on the writing section.

11/16/2012 3:14:18 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^How many times did you take the GRE? Our scores were pretty close so I managed to remember yours when you posted it on here, and now I've seen you post different scores multiple times--sometimes you post lower scores and other times higher.

[Edited on November 17, 2012 at 10:25 AM. Reason : If anybody ever needs to know their SAT/GRE scores, apparently I have them memorized.]

11/17/2012 10:19:21 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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I've never posted mine, but I'll to ahead and post them...
I took the GRE General once, in August 2005, and got 800Q/690V.
I took the GRE Math Subject Test once, in October 2005, and got 800, although the max. score was almost 900 (it changes by the year).

Oh, I also took the SAT I once, in October 2001, and got 800M/710V.

[Edited on November 17, 2012 at 8:52 PM. Reason : SAT too

11/17/2012 8:51:52 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quantitative 159
Verbal 154

12/12/2012 9:46:12 PM

All American
42565 Posts
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Taking it on Jan 14, Monday! Started studying today, so have 4 days to study

I have taken it before, in 1999, so I am not scared, and I love standardized tests anyway. Only thing I am scared of is the Analytical section, as it was all multiple choice logic questions when I took it, but now it has the 2 writing tasks.


Q: 170
V: 160
A: 5.0

1/10/2013 6:30:12 AM

All American
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Found these free helpful resources:

And don't forget, there is also the extensive free content on

1/10/2013 7:18:13 AM

All American
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What's the business with cursive that some of you were talking about when the thread was created? I haven't seen anything regarding that in any of the materials I am using, including official ETS materials.

BTW, here is the official table for converting old 200-800 scale scores to the new 130-170 scores:

1/10/2013 8:45:09 AM

All American
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Did the first of the two tests included in the free PowerPrep II Software available on

Q: 167
V: 163

I seriously need to up that Q score. Not that happy with it. OTOH, pleasantly surprised by the V score.

P.S. They are both slightly better than my scores from 1999 (as per the Concordance Table I linked above), but I need dat 190% Quant score

[Edited on January 10, 2013 at 12:32 PM. Reason : ]

1/10/2013 12:30:21 PM

the Dr is in
3848 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm currently a senior in nuclear engineering with a minor in mathematics, any reason to think I'd have any issues with the math section?


if you get less than perfect you will be a failure seriously I took (the old format) GRE after being out of college for 4 years. It was like studying for the SATs - VERY basic math if you're an engineer. I got a 760/800, but I ran out of time with 4 questions to go.

Also I worked with my department in grad school on application screening for the Ph.D. program - GRE scores aren't going to make/break most applicants. Your GPA, LOR, and undergrad program ranking are doing the heavy lifting

1/10/2013 1:05:26 PM

All American
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Thanks for all the info, folks, but as it turns out I don't need the GRE for the NCSU grad program. Because I will be graduating in good standing from the NE department, the only reason they'd need the GRE is to determine who is funded by the department and who is paying. Since the company I will be working for after graduation will be paying for it, the point is moot and the entrance application is essentially a formality.

At least that is my current understanding after talking with my dept.

1/11/2013 1:08:52 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i wonder how i would do on this new, apparently significantly harder, math.

i'm going to say i'm too lazy to take that practice test, but really i just don't want to know.

[Edited on January 11, 2013 at 1:30 PM. Reason : ignorance is bliss.]

1/11/2013 1:29:12 PM

All American
8660 Posts
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Can anyone who has taken the old GRE comment on how the test compares to the new GRE?

1/11/2013 1:47:36 PM

All American
42565 Posts
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^, ^^ see next page

[Edited on January 11, 2013 at 4:58 PM. Reason : ]

1/11/2013 4:43:17 PM

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