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All American
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gentleman I'm sure someone on here has done an engine swap on a CJ. mine is in need and I'm debating upgrading from the 4 cy I have now to the 6. Anyone know what's involved? I'm not sure if it'd be worth it to me if I have to changed to many parts out I've always been pretty happy with the 4, it sure isn't fast but I'm not drag racing it.

10/16/2012 6:23:43 PM

All American
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Might as well go SBC or go home. LSx if you got the monies.

10/16/2012 7:43:26 PM

All American
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i have a 350 sitting around didn't even enter my mind. I should research that I guess

10/16/2012 8:49:45 PM

soup du hier
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might as well go small block 3rded...

more power, sounds better, more reliable, ...bitchen...

do it...

(from a guy who had a 4.7l stroked 4.0 with ~300chp ... its not worth the time go small block)

10/16/2012 9:07:50 PM

soup du hier
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i was thinking about this more last night.

imho for a wrangler/cj the 350 is a bit much because with them being lifted/short wheel base makes them kinda wheelie monsters.

now... a scrambler... FUCKING PERFECT.

10/17/2012 1:26:20 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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why not a good running 258?

10/17/2012 1:29:02 PM

soup du hier
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i too love inline 6s.. just that jeep blocks aren't that strong and 258s just don't make much power...

if it were me i'd do a 350 with some easy peasy EFI conversion and a 700r4
you'll probably end up with the same mileage you have now and a shit ton more ooph under the pedal

10/17/2012 1:44:15 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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missed the part about him having an engine laying around

10/17/2012 2:38:54 PM

soup du hier
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which makes me wonder (since dr-p is in here...)

4bt? you could go 4 banger to 4 banger but pick up shit tons of driveability and power...

but the 4bt is a heavy whore too. (probably 200lbs more then the 350 would be)

10/17/2012 2:48:15 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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im actually anti-diesel for offroading unless it's a purpose-designed chassis and a smoke-free tune (i.e. stock unimog)

10/17/2012 4:29:10 PM

soup du hier
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Orly? Why?

I mean I know it can jack up soft suspensions but otherwise the torque would be amazing

10/17/2012 6:30:18 PM

All American
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they simply dont make the revs for wheeling..... every rig i have ever known of with a diesel has swapped a GM V8 later. I will admit it is a short list, but there have been a few. no replacement for wheelspeed on the east coast. Although I agree that if this is for cruising the mall parking lot then it would be a different story.

10/17/2012 10:26:10 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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WOT rpm ratio to idle rpm for an LSx is easily 10:1, however it would only be ~5:1 for a diesel, so you'd have to be shifting more gears to do the 'east coast' crawling thing.

10/17/2012 10:35:35 PM

soup du hier
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Ahh, I've always been more if a rocks then a mud person where wheel spin just breaks your shit.

10/17/2012 10:50:58 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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we are talking rocks.... (extreme case: Tim Cameron's driving)

10/18/2012 8:43:07 AM

soup du hier
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lol 10-4... guess i'm just used to wheelin on a smaller scale.

10/18/2012 9:35:49 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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oh, well, don't think I'm much than a webwheeler

10/18/2012 9:40:10 AM

soup du hier
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i had a wranger on 35s and a xj on 31s

the wrangler was somewhere wheelin almost every weekend... the xj i never really went wheelin

10/18/2012 9:52:13 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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I remember the xj vaguely

10/18/2012 10:18:19 AM

All American
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looks like we'll be going with the V8 I have a local mechanic that'll be doing the work, he's also likely to pull the auto trans out of my donor suburban as well

12/27/2012 9:23:00 PM

All American
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got a question guys: is it worth getting an aluminum radiator? at morris 4x4 they have several radiators for cj to SMC conversions but all are Aluminum... they have steel ones for the jeep made v8s but not the chevys... maybe the chevy runs hotter?

3/19/2013 9:43:57 PM

soup du hier
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Better rad more hp needs more cooling and plumbing is a lil diff but not much I think.

Essentially, I would go aluminum..,

3/19/2013 9:47:23 PM

All American
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I have put a SBC into an old jeep awhile back.

its a simple swap if they have done it before.

go with aluminum and MAKE SURE the trans is in good shape.

SBC is the only way to go in these things.

Id also get side pipes. better looking, sounding, etc.

3/20/2013 12:31:57 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"Id also get side pipes. better looking, sounding, etc.

until you pull through a ditch and rip them off

3/20/2013 8:13:48 AM

soup du hier
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yeah... with a jeep i'd keep that ground clearance as high as possible.

says the guy putting dumps out the side of his galaxie.

3/20/2013 8:17:41 AM

All American
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thought I'd share a few progress photos

5/3/2013 4:22:00 PM

All American
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few mor photos... engine is in and just need to be tuned but too loud to do w/o exhaust so I took it to an exhaust shop... a month ago (clearly they are not in a hurry)

7/14/2013 9:09:54 PM

All American
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350 is a pretty common swap for cj's, there is a ton of material on it on jeep forums

I would have gone with the AMC 304 but that's because they once came in jeeps

7/16/2013 5:23:49 PM

All American
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I think those are the shiniest headers I've ever seen on a Jeep.

7/16/2013 10:38:13 PM

All American
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bought them from morris 4x4... 60$ more for chrome, yes please

7/17/2013 9:29:29 PM

soup du hier
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Dear Carl, I'm the kinda person that likes an on engine or original feel but honestly when it comes to a jeep why go through the trouble for a rare engine that's less reliable makes less power and is more expensive to maintain. I don't like small block Chevys but not putting in an sbc or sbf is just dumb n a jeep.

My 1 of 1 billion jeep has a stockish engine that wasn't stock....

, its stupid put something in that's easy to efi reliable has a million transmission options and is proven time and time again.

It's a jeep not some rare and unique hot-rod reflection of ones self. There are good ones and bad ones very rarely do you see one and say "wow that's different or unique or nostalgic" and mean it in a good way.

7/18/2013 5:57:23 AM

All American
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^you are absolutely right about everything you just said...I still would want a 304

I kinda have a dream build that I want to do, but it really is a pipe dream at this time

7/18/2013 12:02:23 PM

All American
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hey now its still rare so its more like 1 in 25k

7/21/2013 11:38:54 AM

soup du hier
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Don't get me wrong I love scramblers. And as far as jeeps go they are rare... Just no one covets an amc v8 but that guy apparently.

I would have gotten the 5.3 crate motor and ecu gm sells for 3k and then all custom gauges. But I think the wife and I may just get a 4 door rubi (Penta starrrr) since we have plenty of old stuff.

7/21/2013 9:48:38 PM

All American
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drove it around some yesterday. SBC was the right choice for the scrambler it's an angry angry truck now. ordered new rear 1/4 panels and wheel wells yesterday body shop is next stop $$$

note: the air-condition kit for the jeeps is a GREAT idea

8/9/2013 3:54:52 PM

soup du hier
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Awesome. You live in rawleigh area at all?

I just got a new rubicon (cause you made me want a jeep but last thing I need is another project car lol)

Lemme know if you go wheelin.

8/9/2013 9:34:19 PM

All American
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i'm in randolph county, and oddly enough this this is going to be my "light duty" work truck. I unfortunately won't be getting to drive the jeep for a while because it's headed to the body shop next... and the one who's doing it ain't known for speed

8/10/2013 8:08:27 PM

All American
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I've never been to a 4x4 park or anything (even though I live 25min from Uwharrie) my grandfather bought this scrambler new the year I was born and it now has just over 100k miles on it but 80k+ of those miles was from running around our 500acre farm/nursery so I never had a need to take it anywhere else. I may try it some but nothing too hardcore I don't want to start tearing things up like some of the jeeps I see trailered in here

8/10/2013 8:11:42 PM

soup du hier
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Uwharrie is kinda you can make it as hard as you want.

I drove my shackles only yj on 31s. With limited slip there.

And my 4.5" lift on 31s Xj with a completely open diff there.

8/10/2013 9:57:53 PM

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