$40 Full set of stoneware dishes and misc things in the set: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/hsh/3107237291.html$5 Electric kettle, perfect for your dorm room!$5 Tie rack that fits wire closet shelvesIt would be awesome if these things were gone tonight.
6/28/2012 5:59:54 PM
$20 on the stoneware - where in cary? I wanna grab this after work
6/29/2012 7:45:30 AM
what kind of electric kettle is it?
6/29/2012 10:36:50 AM
Dishes and tie rack gone.The kettle looks like a opaque plastic tea pot (so you can see the water level) and has an electric cord you plug into the wall. Don't know the brand off hand.
7/3/2012 8:26:41 AM