Really interesting couple hours of testimony from the head of JPMorgan Chase. Talked a lot about their recent loss, the Volcker rule, Dodd-Frank, TARP, and more. It was pretty informative for the most part and surprisingly civil, the only really contentious moment was when the democratic senator from Oregon (can't remember the name, started with an M) started talking about how they were bailed out by TARP and how Chase would have gone under due to their exposure to AIG. Dimon basically shut him down and told him he was off base on their total exposure to AIG and that they were asked to take TARP.If you missed it I'm sure you can see highlights all night tonight on cable news.
6/13/2012 12:40:20 PM
JPM stock way up because of it.
6/13/2012 12:58:05 PM
6/13/2012 1:07:23 PM
the rate of decline is decreasing! victory is in sight!
6/13/2012 2:27:01 PM
Meh. I got in at $33 and have covered calls at $34.
6/13/2012 6:31:05 PM