Anyone remember this company?I need to move a bunch of mulch and don't have a pick up. The closest one I could find was in sanford. Does anyone know of a closer one or a similar service?
3/10/2012 2:37:33 PM
try the classifieds message_section.aspx?section=5
3/10/2012 3:25:56 PM
Not what I'm looking for. I don't want to be driving under someone else's insurance on a non-rental where liability and fault could be a major issue.
3/10/2012 4:23:26 PM
Doesn't lowe's rent trucks by the hour?
3/10/2012 5:19:39 PM
They do, but the trucks are for hauling large items and not hauling bulk stuff.
3/11/2012 8:10:49 AM
oh. poop. i don't have any other ideas then. sorry!
3/11/2012 9:19:26 AM
No worries, I've gotten some good pms. Thanks for thinking about it though!
3/12/2012 6:16:42 AM